A/N: Hey peoples! It's finally here! The thing I've been talking about for (weeks? idk bad with time remember?) Hope you all enjoy! Please let me know your thoughts!
Third Person POV
"Are you sure about this Dick?" Daniel Grayson asked his older brother. The two were currently walking around the circus grounds talking about the performance that evening.
Dick smiled at him, "Of course. You've been practicing so much lately and you can finally do a triple somersault."
Danny smiled back, "I'll get that last somersault down one day."
Dick laughed and playfully tousled Danny's hair, "In your dreams little bro."
Danny noticed a shady looking man exit Mister Haly's trailer and head into the main tent. "Hey Dick. Some guy just went-"
"Boys! It's almost showtime! Hurry up and get into costume!" Mary Grayson called from their trailer, stopping Danny's voice of concern.
"Okay mom!" Dick shouted back.
"Guess we better get ready," Danny said.
"Yep," agreed Dick.
A moment of silence passed between the two. "Race you there!" they cried in unison and sprinted towards the trailer.
The Flying Graysons waited backstage for the show to begin. They were all dressed in their sparkly red costumes and wore a little makeup on their faces.
"You totally cheated," Danny whispered to his brother.
"Hey, you didn't say we couldn't use acrobatics," Dick said, raising his hands in defense.
Danny lightly punched his brother in the shoulder just as Mister Haly began to announce them. "See you boys up there," their father, John Grayson, said as he and his wife headed into the ring.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Prepare yourselves for a display of incredible acrobatics done by the fearless 'Flying Graysons'! As always, performed without the safety of a net!" Mister Haly announced loudly as the crowd cheered.
As the act began a man shoved his way past the two boys. "Move it brats," he muttered.
Danny recognized the man, "Dick, I saw that guy go-"
Danny was stopped once more by his brother pulling him out into the ring, "No time, we're on soon."
Mister Haly began to speak again over the cries of the crowd, "Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we have a treat for you. 'The Flying Graysons' will be joined by their two sons."
The crowd cheered as the spotlight focused on Dick and Danny on the high platform. Danny took the bar first and swung out to his parents, doing 3 flips in the air before being caught by his mother.
The three of them continued to flip through the air and Dick was preparing to join them, when he heard a rattling noise from above. He looked up and saw the hooks that held the wires were about to come off!
Dick's family swung towards him and he saw their eyes lit up in fear when they saw where Dick was looking. Just as they neared him on the platform, the hooks finally came loose, and they began to fall.
Using the last of her momentum, Mary swung Danny towards the platform. But she was a little too late as Danny didn't reach the platform, though he came close. Just as he began to fall, Dick reached out and grabbed his wrist.
John and Mary continued to fall and landed on the ground with a sickening crack. Dick resisted the urge to look down as the crowd gasped and screamed in horror. He focused on saving his brother.
"Don't look down Danny," he said as he adjusted his position to get a better hold on his younger brother. The crowd continued to scream.
"Dick! I'm slipping!" he cried.
"No you're not!" Dick yelled back as he tightened his grip on his brothers wrist, determined not to let him fall. He wasn't going to lose any more family.
"Mom and dad," Danny said, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm not going to let you fall Danny. I'll never let go," Dick assured him, "But I need you to help me! You need to grab onto the platform."
Danny reached his other arm towards the platform, but fell short. "I can't reach!" he shouted over the screams of the crowd.
"Yes you can!" Dick shouted back, "On three, I'll pull you up and you reach for the platform."
Danny looked up at his brother and nodded. Dick felt Danny's wist slowly slip even more out of his grasp.
"One." Dick felt himself slide forward.
"Two," Dick reached out for the rope tied to the mast, pulling against it as he felt Danny slip a little more.
"Three!" Dick pulled on Danny's wrist and Danny swung his free arm at the platform, grabbing the edge of it.
Someone else had gotten onto the platform and grabbed Danny's other hand, helping Dick pull him up to safety. Danny sat against the mast, panting and sweating, fear all over his face.
Dick looked up to the person who helped save Danny. He was a young man, maybe late 20's, with dark black hair, and blue eyes. He wore an expensive looking suit and shiny dress shoes.
"Who are you?" Dick asked him.
"My name is Bruce Wayne," the man replied.
A/N: So I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Any thoughts? Good, bad? Should I continue it? Eh, even if no one answers I probably will. I have plans *evil laugh* See you all in the next one!

The Ghost Brother
FanfictionWhat if Danny Phantom and Dick Grayson were brothers? Richard and Daniel Grayson lost their parents and were both taken in by Bruce Wayne. They were trained to fight by his side until Dick and Bruce had a falling out and Dick left, leaving Danny wit...