Midnight the fox

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This is Blair's sister

  Crush:Silver the hedgehog

  Personality: funny,happy,lazy,stubborn, dangerous,outgoing,fun,adventuring,brave,and cool

Looks:has gray fur with red and black hair with it down has a red shirt with a black vest and blue jeans with holes and red gloves and black timberlands

Likes:to dance,plays keyboard and bass,playing her phone,doing sports,kicking butt,to play with her sister,tease her brother,and hang with friends,plus design clothes

  Dislikes:People who hurt her or her family,bullies,people who use her,bad people, and stuff


  Powers:fire,ice,control of light,and reads minds

  Weapons:rope with a ball attached made with fire and ice

  Eye color:purple

   Best friend:Amy Rose and Sonic the hedgehog

   Theme song:

And thats Blair's sister Midnight feel free to use her in your stories

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