Chapter 6 | Stupid People Doing Stupid Things

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I huff off to my bed room as soon as I get out of the car

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I huff off to my bed room as soon as I get out of the car. What mom said had crossed the line and I wasn't going to forgive her easily. My father wouldn't hurt me. What a bullshit lie. He hurt me for a year and she never knew. He raped me and let others rape me. He may have the same DNA as me but I'll be damned if I ever call him my father again. The bastard ripped that price up when he took away my innocence.

I begin unpacking the boxes that are still in the corner of my room.

"You know, a 'thank you' would be nice." One of the boys, I recognize as Kaleb, says leaning in my door way.

Didn't I lock that door? Well apparently not.

"You want a thank you for what exactly?" I shoot back.

When did I get so bold with stranger. Oh right, I haven't taken my meds... stupid, stupid, stupid.

"I did save you life a few hours ago."  He says.

I sigh and look him right in the eyes, "Did it occur to you that I was in that position for a reason? Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, I want death?"

"Well no, and I wasn't going to let some chick die on my bathroom floor." He says raising and eyebrow.

"Well I do, I want death and I've been trying for year but he never seems to fucking come when I call him. I was close today, but then you just had to find me."


"Why what?" I snap.

"Why are you suicidal?"

"I have problems and my past has followed me around. I don't want to deal with it all anymore. It scares me. No one cares, no one ever will." I say, staying deadly calm.

"Your mom cares."

"No, she doesn't, and the longer we stay, the more you'll see if that." Is still deadly calm.

"Care to elaborate?" He asks.

"Nope." I say and move over to the drawer with all my pills.

I rummage through and I hear Kaleb move more into my room.


I grab my diazepam and shake out two tablets.

"Woah, what are those." Kaleb says looking at me with wide eyes as I pop the pills in my mouth.

I swallow and roll my eyes.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, they're all prescribed for me."

"For what?"

"For thing. Like I said, I have a shit past."

"Want to give more of an explanation?"

"Not a chance."

He huffs and rolls his eyes, then he leaves my room.

Quickly, I shut and lock the door behind him. I sigh long and hard. I look over to my bed and then to my drawer of pills. I need sleep. No time like the present right? I grab my insomnia pills and down three. I turn my light off, shit my blinds and curl up under that blanket, hoping and praying that as I sleep, I won't have to same nightmare I always have.

•   •   •

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I panic. I scream bloody murder and sit up and back up as far as I can get. I open my eyes and see a wide eyed, surprised looking Liam or Lucas.

"Holy shit you scared the living hell outta me!" I yell at him.

"Yeah I gathered that. Sorry I didn't mean to, your mom sent me to tell you dinner is done."

"I'm not hungry, you can tell her that, she won't care." I say and lay me head back down on the pillow.

Did you notice Mom didn't come up when I screamed? That's how much she cares. Zero, zilch, zippo. She doesn't care and she thinks I don't know but I do.

Liam or Lucas leaves and shuts the door behind him. I close my eyes and pray to be able to fall back asleep but it's impossible. Stupid people doing stupid things, having to freaking wake me up from one of my few dreamless sleeps.

I look around, I still have to unpack most of my things. Maybe if I do that, I'll be able to sleep again. Maybe, just maybe.

I unpack everything and then lay back down on the bed. I need sleep. I close my eyes and rest into the pillow. Slowly but surely I drift off to sleep.

Hopefully I won't have that nightmare again.

Fingers crossed.

Missed the Thursday update date. Sorry bout that just haven't been in a good place and been really busy.
-Maddison Danielle

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