Chapter 3 Chance Encounter.

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Chapter 3 Chance Encounter.

50 Years Later.

3rd Person POV

A giant of a man stood at the entrance of the garden, Golden Apple of Immortality in hand as he walked out of the garden having completed his 11th labor. In his other hand was a sword, celestial bronze with an inscription written in Greek, Anaklusmos. Waiting near the entrance was a beautiful woman with long silky black hair, dark eyes that resembled volcanic rocks and a slightly upturned nose.

"Where are you going next Heracles?" The young woman asked the giant of a man.

"I am off to complete my final task so that I can return to my home." He replied while looking off in the distance. "Thank you for your help and the sword, but I really must be going now".

The woman seemed taken aback by his responds. "Can I accompany you on your journey or at least until the next town?" Now that I have aided you in retrieving an apple I will be considered a traiter by my family. I will be banished from the garden and have nowhere to g now." She stated looking scared of the fact he was planning on leaving her here.

"I am sorry pretty one but my journeys are no place woman, I cannot protect you while we travel and I must complete my tasks quickly, I cannot afford to have you slow me down on my journey." Heracles responded as he looked out to the west with a smug smile on his face. The woman simply turned away with a heartbroken and lost look on her face as well as clear betrayal in her eyes. She had helped him achieve his taks and he would not even let her accompany him to the next town. Having spent her entire life in her home she did not know what she could do on her own and feared being left abandoned and unwanted in the wilderness.

As the son of Zeus walked away without a second thought, the woman collapsed on the ground trying to understand the gravity of the situation she was in. She would be banished, stripped of her immortality with nowhere to go and no one to go to. No one will want to help the daughter of a Titan. She would had put her trust in this man only to lose everything in the end. She had given him her sword, the one she created using her power given to her by her mother the sea goddess Pleione.

Unkown to either of the two, a young man with long jet black hair, with black and silver eyes that seemed to pulse with power had watched the entire scene play out from the beginning. He watched as Heracles had used the girl's feelings for him to convince her to betray her family and now he planned on abandoning her now that his task was complete. The young man's eye burned with rage so bright he struggled to contain his true form. After spending a couple minutes calming himself he decided he would disobey his father's order to stay away from any situation that would bring attention to himself. He knew the circumstance of his birth and what had brought him to his adoptive father whom he loved deeply. He just couldn't stant to watch someone with power use that power over another in a cruel way, especially against a woman. Without thinking of the consequences of his actions, he teleported himself behind the giant of a man wtihout the nan noticing; after making sure his enchanted hood was up so as to make sure the hero would not see his face. He decided he would dish out a little justice himself.

Quietly drawing out two throwing knives he waited for Heracles to near a tree before throwing the two knives. They flew by the hero so close that they left two deep gashes on each of his cheeks before imbedding themselves in the tree. Before Heracles could fully turn around Perseus was already behind him with his fist crocked back waiting to unload on the arrogant fool.

"Who dares attack a son of Z..." was all Heracles got out before Perseus knocked him out cold with a powerful punch to the jaw.

As Perseus looked down at the son of Zeus he saw the two deep gashes on his face along with a broken jaw and thought to himself that the scars would serve as a great reminder to the oh so great hero Heracles of his trip to the Garden of the Hesperides. He also saw the bronze sword glowing in the scabbard of Heracles and deciding this man had no right to weild the sword the woman had given to him. Perseus took the sword and left the now unconscious "Hero" to wonder who had knocked him out before he could even turn around.

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