last one on the shelf

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jaebum fell over while b-boying in the streets.

it's pretty much his only other source of income besides his irregular shifts at the chinese take-out place.

the coins tossed into his cap feel good, but the applause and mouths gaping in awe feel even better.

until you fall over and end up with a huge gash in your knee, that is.

"fuck," jaebum hissed, peering at the gaping wound from different angles.

his current finances definitely doesn't allow for a trip to the doctor's. some band-aids and disinfectant from the convenient store would have to suffice for now.


jinyoung had foolishly ran away from his 4-storey mansion, thinking he could survive on his own. (of course, his parents know he'd come crawling back in a matter of hours.)

his inexperienced feet tripped over themselves. he stopped the fall all right, but now his palms are bloody from the rough cement.

in his haste, he'd forgotten his wallet. he reached deep into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out a few scraggly dollar notes.

and so he headed to the convenient store.


just as jaebum was about hand the cashier the money for the disinfectant, tissues and band-aids, a guy came over.

"excuse me, do you have anymore band-aids?" he addressed the cashier.

jaebum's eyes flitted over the stranger. at first glance he looked like a poor homeless boy with his hoodie and jeans. but upon closer inspection, one would know that there's no way he's poor.

the latest addition to the abercrombie & fitch hoodie collection fitted snugly on him (albeit the sleeves were stained with blood from his palms). and those jeans from levi's a/w series. and fuck. he had a pair of adidas nmd. jaebum would sell his left foot for that.

"no we don't. he's got the last pack." the cashier said, pointing at jaebum.

the stranger opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but closed it and shuffled out of the shop.

after paying for the items, he walked (or limped, rather) out and saw the guy from before sitting on a bench.

"hey. do you want one?"

"yes please," he nodded.

jaebum took a seat next to him.

"hand." jaebum commanded.

jinyoung placed his palm onto jaebum's extended one and joked,"don't you think you progressing too fast? you're holding my hand yet you don't even know my name."

"so what's your name?" jaebum asked without looking up, his steady hands carefully dabbing on the wound with the disinfectant-soaked tissue.


jaebum ripped off the wrapper of a band-aid and pressed it firmly down.

"there. all done."

"wow," jinyoung looked at the band-aid,"are you a surgeon?"

jaebum scrunched his eyebrows together,"i can't tell if you're being sarcastic. i literally just cleaned up your wound and slapped a band-aid onto it."

jinyoung wasn't sure what to say. no, he wasn't being sarcastic. but he doesn't know how to do... this. or rather, there was never a need to. a small prick on his finger and his mum would've called an ambulance.

"in any case, thanks. how do you want me to pay you back?"

"you could give me those nmd." jaebum gestured towards jinyoung's feet, only half joking.

"sure. let's trade if you want."

jinyoung got onto his knees and gingerly removed jaebum's right shoe and putting his nmd in its place.

"don't you think you progressing too fast? you're helping me wear my shoes yet you don't even know my name." jaebum imitated jinyoung from before, as he tended to his own wounds on his knee.

"are you... imitating me?" jinyoung narrowed his eyes.

"oh no, i wouldn't dare." jaebum retorted, playful sarcasm evident in his voice.

"fine, what's your name?"


jinyoung tied the laces of his nmd (now jaebum's).




yAY i've been wanting to start on a new book for a long ass time and i finally got to it. attached photo is of an adidas nmd r1 it's so pretty i swear :')

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