Michael Myers-fluffyish

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This was requested by IzzytheQueenZ the first request of the book, some Michael Myers comforting the reader, kinda cute n fluffyish 


"Oh come on Y/n, you're seriously scared of that abandoned house?" Your so called 'friend said 'yeahhh, "abandoned"' you thought as she gave you a sassy know it all look. You glared at her as the other girls laughed, glancing back at the old Myers house, sending a shiver up your spine. You really didn't want to do this, but you'd rather do this then give that one kid, Elliot Kerl, a blowjob, you cringed just thinking about that. With a sigh you made your way up the few steps, the old aged wood creaking underneath your feet, making you cringe slightly.

The windows were shattered in spots; the remaining bits lay on the floorboards of the deck. Slowly, your shaking hand moved for the old rusted doorknob, turning it slowly. Of course, the large door had to open with the loudest squeaking possible. "Oh fuck me, its just a house, its just a house" You whisper to yourself over and over as you walk to the living room area of the house, looking out the window to see that your so called friends are gone.

Fear and panic hits you hard as you realize that you're alone, and the fact that the door had slammed shut isn't helping your situation either, just causing more panic and fear.




Heavy footsteps, 'oh no, oh no oh no oh no!' you thought, panicking even more as you heard them approaching. Frantically, your eyes darted around looking for a place to hide, closet under the stares. As quiet and gracefully as you could, you ran over to it, opening the door and getting inside the dusty space as quietly as possible, the door closing with a small click, which you prayed wasn't heard by whoever was in the house.

Your hand covered your mouth as you tried to calm your breathing, failing miserably. You sucked in a breath as you heard the footsteps entering the room, you held your breath, looking through the crack in the door. The steps continued for a few more seconds, nobody coming into the area of your sight, then the sound stopped. A small whimper escaped your lips as you closed your eyes.



The small door was swung open with hard pressure, making you cry out as you cuddled back into the corner as much as possible. You could only see legs at the moment, but slowly, they began to bend, and a face- no a mask came into your view. Oh no, you were fucked. Michael Myers had found you, snooping in his home. 

"P-Please I'm sorry don't kill me please" You sobbed, your knees pulled into your chest with your arms around them as you cried silently, thinking this was your last moment. You swore you heard a sigh come from the man in front of you, you heard shifting. Cracking open one eye, you glanced at him, wondering why you weren't being dragged out by your feet.

Unbelievable, no way in hell. The Michael Myers was holding his hand out to you. Sniffling, you looked at his hand then gave a skeptical look. He knew you didn't trust him, yet he still did this. You don't know why, but you reached out slowly, and put your hand in his own, he grasped it gently and helped pull you out and to your feet, you stumbled slightly, surprisingly he steadied you.

"T-Thank you" you mumbled, sniffling as you starred down at the ground. Still holding your hand, he leads you into the next room, where you sat down at an old dusty table. You watched him, confusion in your eyes as he moved about in the room, leaving briefly and returning with...water? You had a lot of questions, like why weren't you dead and what the actual fuck is happening.

He sat down across from you, making you squirm slightly in your seat under his gaze. He pulled out a note book, scribbling down something before pushing it across the table to you. 'Why are you here?' was scribbled out in child-like printing. "W-well..." you started "My uh 'friends" making quotation marks with your hands as you spoke "they dared me to come in here, and well, they left when I was inside." You said sadly.

 "Oh no!"  Realization coming to you, Michael just tilted his head. "I was supposed to sleep over and my parents are out of town, I have nowhere to go now" you said sadly, crossing your arms and laying your head on them on the table.

You heard shifting then more footprints, then a hand was felt on your back, moving it in a somewhat comforting way. Soon it stopped and your hand was once in his again, he pulled you up from the chair and lead you through the house and up the stares to a bedroom which looked like it was in use, probably his. He gestured you towards the bed, you thanked him quietly as you looked around the room, it was kind of messy, but gave you comfort in an odd way.

You sat on the bed just as he turned to leave. "Wait!" You said, surprising even yourself. "U-Um...stay with me...please?" you asked shyly, a light pink blush now visible on your cheeks. He looked back at you, tilting his head, you imagined he was confused, but he closed the door and came back to the bed.

Surprisingly the covers weren't dusty, they were actually fairly clean. You slid off your shoes and got under the blanket, which smelt oddly of a very nice cologne. Stiffly, he moved next to you in the bed, his back against the headboard as you snuggled against the pillows. "Thank you" you whispered, shutting your eyes, still very confused on what you were doing, but that thought left your mind as you drifted to sleep.

Michael looked down at you, smiling under his mask as he ran his fingers through your soft hair, which made him chuckled quietly when you moved closer into his hand. He didn't know why he spared you, I mean you kind of trespassed onto his property, but there was something about you that he liked, it might have been your eyes, a beautiful e/c, that made him feel warm inside. He sighed contently and continued petting your head, watching over you as you slept.

A/N If you liked this, feel free to drop a request in the comments, Jason one coming up next, gonna be a tad longer, maybe slight sexyish with the next one

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