Dream? or Nightmare?

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   Your P.O.V. *Dream start* 

  My eyes open to an almost blinding darkness, a cold mist creeps around me as the world seems to swish into a dark forest. I hold my sketch pad close to my chest, having had only my art as comfort in the lonely mansion for these years. I stand up and begin to walk through the forest, as I continue to walk I hear a dark chuckle emanating from the woods. A drop of cold sweat drops down my face as this dark chuckle grows louder. I look around, glancing from side to side. Loud, thumping footsteps approach me, causing me to freeze in place.

  "W-Who's there?" I asked cursing myself for stuttering. 

 "And why do you need to know.~ H U M A N." The deep voice says echoing menacingly. I look around, seeing nothing but the dark forest, not knowing where the voice had come from.

  "Reveal yourself!" I say trying to sound brave. Silence follows my voice, I observe the forest more closely. 

 "Well, I'm guessing ... This isn't reality, because I have no forest's like this near where I live." I say using the rare common sense, I hear quick snickers.

  "Hehe, took you long enough, You humans really are stupid." The voice says amusement lingering in his tone. This irritates me cause me to yell out at him. 

 "Hey! I'm not stupid, most humans, wouldn't have figured out that also stop calling me human I'm (Y/N)!" I say aggravated. The voice simply chuckles again.

  "Aw how cute, your mad.~" The voice says teasingly, causing a light blush to shade my face. 

 "I-I'm not cute!" I say tightening my grip on my sketch pad, looking down at the ground.

  "Hehe, it's fun to mess with such useless creatures as you." The dark voice says a grin clear in his tone. Something in me broke, and I couldn't hold it back. 

 "..." I stay silent as tears fall quietly down my face. He only laughs at this.

  "Your just another worthless human. You shouldn't be here you were a mistake.~" He says teasingly grinning in his words, enjoying my mental pain. 

 "Shut, up." I say quietly. A rage building inside me from no where that I can think of.

  "Aw and why should I-" He begins, before he could finish his words I cut him off, shouting at him with my rage. 

 "I said shut up! You don't know anything about me, you don't know anything, how can you tell me I'm useless, when you yourself cause nightmares for your own enjoyment, what is in your sadistic head." I say. 'Why did I break so easily?' My finger grip tightly onto the sketchbook causing then to start turning white.

  "You really are stupid, to think your useless words can change me." The voice says, with mixed tones of amusement and regret. 

 "What do-" I begin and cut myself off looking as the forest changes into a garden of beautiful flowers. The beauty of it caught me off guard and calmed me down, there were roses and tulips and generally flowers of every color imaginable.

  "Wow." I breathe staring in aw as the forms of two skeletons fade into reality. My senses have calmed now, and the Yellow-y skeleton starts scolding the darker one. 

 Nightmare! What are you doing, this girl is with ink, if you hurt her, You'll have to worry more about ink!" Another voice says. I sit down and begin to draw the two skeleton's while I have the chance. The one with the deeper voice is a skeleton? With black tentacles on his back, The other skeleton however is wearing a cute cape with a golden tiara on his head. After they stop arguing they notice me drawing them, I had already finished the first drawing so I decided to make a comic (No regrets xD).

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