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Everything get's explained at the bottom of this thing and if you don't know Safiya or Tyler, fear not, I think you'll still be able to read this.

After a long day at the sherrif's station and Emma watching tons of Ladylike video's, Robin finally finished work.
When he got home, he found Regina on the couch in the living room, doing something on her laptop.
When he closed the door behind him she looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey." Robin said softly.
"Hi." She replied and then asked: "How was work?"
"It was fine I guess, Emma preferred watching Ladylike over work, so David and I did a bit of the paper work."
"This series on YouTube, I think from BuzzFeedYellow. About that though, this one girl from Ladylike could pass as a younger version of you, with a bit of imagination."
Robin laughed.
"Yeah, her name is Safiya I believe."
Regina opened YouTube and asked him to spell it.
"Safiya Nygaard?"
"Yep, that's her."
"Ohhh, there's a video called 'Perks of wearing all black'."

A few days later they were watching a movie together (well Regina was also looking on her phone but details details) when Regina suddenly looked at Robin. "I found her Twitter... What happens when I reach out to her?"
"To who? Safiya?"
"Of course Safiya who else?"
Robin raised one eyebrow at her, something he's been getting better at the longer they were together.
"What are you gonna say?" He asked her when she smiled at him, not giving in but not completely winning this thing they were doing either. 
"I don't know, something."
"Right... How many Ladylike videos did you watch in the past few days?"
"Almost all of them." Was her instant reply.
"Just promise me one thing okay?"
Regina looked up from her phone.
"Please don't become more obsessed with it than Emma."
"You and I both know that's impossible."
After that they returned to watching their movie.

Regina did eventually tweet Saf and after a few months of talking on Twitter and through Direct Message, they agreed that it would be great to meet in person.

So that's how Safiya and her boyfriend Tyler ended up in Storybrooke, unable to tell anybody where they went because 1: Storybrooke wasn't on any map and 2: The mayor (a.k.a. Regina) asked them not to tell anybody. Which was kinda strange.

But after all... What wasn't strange about Storybrooke?

Sooooooo new story. I know I should write other stuff but school is taking most of my time and I really really wanted to write this.

I think most of you are confused as heck so that's why I'm gonna explain some things here:
- Regina and Robin are from Once Upon A Time and in this story together for a while.
- Later in this story Henry (Regina's son) and Roland (Robin's son) will appear.
- Safiya is from BuzzFeed and a Ladylike crew member.

You can read this story without knowing Ladylike/Safiya/Tyler and maybe even without watching OUAT, because Saf & Tyler know nothing in this story about everybody being fairytales (at least not in the beginning) so somebody will explain everything to them (So that will be SPOILERS, just sayin')

I feel like there are still some confusing things going on but it will all get explained, and feel free to ask any questions.

P.S. I've never been more nervous writing a story because there's a chance Saf & Tyler will read this and I'm so nervous I'm gonna write something they disagree with hehe 🤓.

P.P.S. There will be a villain appearing in this story and I might write a sequel to this even though I haven't started writing this yet 😂.

Also I don't feel like proofreading this and I don't know how I feel about this but I actually don't care...

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