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*Days Later*
*Brogan's POV*

I don't really know how long it's been but it feels like years, I know it hasn't been that long but it sure feels like it has. I don't really know what's going on but I know Dean's here, he hasn't left since I've been here, unless he has to go work. It's pretty much just been him and me, sometimes Nikki when Dean has to work, sometimes other people come. Seth, Roman, Sasha, Renee but the one who caught both of us by surprise was Dean's mom, it's not because we didn't talk to her it's just that we didn't know that she knew about this

Dean was sitting down holding onto my hand watch some show on the tv. Someone knocked at the door and they opened it

"Can I come in?" -Dean's mom

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" -Dean as he let go of my hand

"I heard what happened from her mom" -Dean's mom

"You guys still talk?" -Dean

"Well yeah, just because you two broke up didn't mean we stopped talking, given we had a bit of an argument when it all happened but we're still talking" -Dean's mom

"How come you didn't tell me?" -Dean

"Never came up, god she looks horrible" -Dean's mom

"Yeah she took quite a beating that day" -Dean

"Did they say when she was going to wake up?" -Dean's mom

"They didn't really give a specific date, they just said there was an eighty percent chance she would wake up" -Dean

"Oh, well she's going to wake up, I know it she's a trooper always has always been" -Dean's mom

"I know, I'm just afraid she might not wake up" -Dean

"Have faith, she'll wake up" -Dean's mom

"I know" -Dean

"I hope you know she's always been my favorite girl you've gone out with?" -Dean's mom

"Really?" -Dean

"Yeah, I wanted to kill you when you two broke up but I decided that I wouldn't just yet" -Dean's mom

"Wow, thanks mom" -Dean

"No problem son, I didn't like her when I first met her but I mean what mother would if they met their sons girlfriend half naked" -Dean's mom

"Yeah, that was my fault" -Dean making her laugh

"I know it was all you, I'm not stupid" -Dean's mom

"When did you start liking her?" -Dean

"When she came to apologize, like a couple days after" -Dean's mom

"She apologized?" -Dean

"Yeah I was sitting at home and you were who knows where when she knocked on the door, mind you I didn't know it was her, I opened the door and she was there. I glared at her like seriously glared and she told me how she knew I probably hated her but that she was sorry for what had happened and how she never meant for it to happen, I invited her in and we talked for like a good hour before she had to leave" -Dean's mom

"Are you serious?" -Dean

"Yeah" -Dean's mom

"I was scared of bringing her back home for like three months because of that, I thought you were going to like rip her head off if you saw her" -Dean making his mom laugh

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