Story of my Life....(Harry Styles fan-fic)

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We sat in the middle of the grass. I watched leaves swirl in a dust tunnel around the swingset. I could feel his eyes burning holes into mine. I forced myself to look at his face. I was so in love with him, and i knew that I would never let anything come between us again. I had to forgive him. I must. I just don't know if i could forgive her. 

One Month Earlier

"Anybody know what the math homework was?" said Kate. Kate Washington is one of my closest friends. She is confident and passionate about everything she did. We have known eachother for 3 years and i know i can depend on her no matter what happens. 

Usually i am the really happy one at the front of our group, but today i stayed in the back of our parade. I didn't feel like talking, and I was fine with people giving me sideways glances. Nobody asked and i didn't tell. 

"Hell if i know!" Diana said, hiding behind Kate. Diana Williams is my bestfriend. Diana lost her mom when she was little and she lives with her dad, sister, and stepmother. She is always so happy and always laughing, just like me. Her favorite thing to do was be sarcastic, so i guess you could say that she held our group together. A bit like glue. 

"I'm not in your guy's class anymore. So don't ask me!" said Beth. Beth Carson is one of my other closest friends. Beth i s quiet when you first meet her, but once you get to know her, she is crazier than the rest of us. She stays in the middle of our group and looks around alot. She is always watching other people's actions and trying to be like the popular girls. 

I guess it's time to introduce myself. My name is Maura Thomas. I am the loud and obnoxtious one. I think i got that way because when i was pushed as a little girl to grow up and act like a mature 17 year old, instead of a 9 year old who had no idea what puberty even was. I have learned to take more risks than the average, and mentally sane peron would. Which isn't always a good idea... 

Today was Febuary 16, 2013. It was just sixteen days after his birthday... It was also thursday and by this time of the week, everybody's brains slowly start to shut down for the weekend. I was in a dazed state, looking at the halls of our two-story highschool.

Being a 16 year old in highschool isn't as easy compared to back in the 90s'. Boys sagged their pants now and wore their hats backwards. Girls wore really tight jeans and mini skirts, and shirts that were way out of their size range.

Then theres the makeup. I garuntee if you looked up and down the school hallways, you would see some freaky makeup. Dark lipstick, racoon eyes, pure white powered skin, and thick, dark eyebrows. I don't even know if that would be concidered a Halloween costume or just plain out Egyptian.



"We have been trying to get your attention for the past---" Kate looks at her watch, " 37 seconds."

I rolled my eyes. Kate ALWAYS had to be perfect.

"Well, you have my attention now. What do you want?"

"We thought that---" Beth was cut off by the bell ringing in the hallway.

"CRAP!! We have to get to class you guys!" said Diana, "Kate, Maura, come on! We are going to be late!"

"We'll talk about this later!!!" yelled Beth as she ran down the hall towards English.

Kate, Diana, and I walked into class just as the final bell rang. We took our seats and let our Biology teacher start the same, boring lesson like she did everyday.


After class, Kate went off to see one of her other friends while Diana and I made our way to Spanish. As we walked, we went with the sweeping wave that was the hall. We passed the group that always stood in the middle of the hall. The Jocks. They always had the girls twirling their hair and laughing loud just to get the boys to notice them. I smirked as we passed them.

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