A Niall Horan Imagine

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Let's start off with a Niall imagine ;)

(Y/N) - Your name

" " - talking

' ' -thoughts


I just finished my shift at a diner called "Diner Jukebox". I had really annoying customers which I'd love to punch them in the face. All I wanted was to go home and just sleep. Been working full shifts a lot. Thank god my off day is tomorrow. "(Y/N)!" my co worker called out. "Huh?" "Your shift's over!" he smiled. "Oh! Great! Well I'm out then!" I smiled back at him and grabbed my coat.

I had a lot of problems getting into my building. Wanna know why? Well, One Direction lives there now. Yup. That means screaming girls everywhere. I walked towards my building and saw a bunch of girls there. They were literally blocking the entrance! "MOVE PLEASE!" I screamed but got ignored so I decided to push through the crowd when "Hey! Get back in the back!" some girl told me. "No! I need to get in!" I walked off and I literally fell in front. I looked up and saw a guard. "Excuse me miss but you have to get back in the crowd." I got up and dusted myself. "Well sir, I LIVE here so let me in already!" I said annoyed. "Miss! Please!" he pushed pass him and entered my building when the guard chased after me and grabbed my arm. "Hey! Let me go!" "I'm sorry miss but you have to get back in the crowd." I rolled my eyes. I was about to answer when "Let her go." an Irish voice said. The guard let me go and I showed him my keys to my apartment. "Sorry. Excuse me." he said and went back out. "I'm sorry miss. About the guard thing." "It's alright." I smiled. "Hey you're bleeding." he said. I didn't even notice because I was just mesmerized by his eyes. "Oh! Uhm it's nothing. I fell just now when I was tryna get through the girls out there." I explained and he chuckled. "Well I'm sorry." "It's fine!" I said and started walking to my apartment. "Oh you're on this floor too?" I asked him. "No. I just wanted to make sure you get into your room safely." he winked and I blushed. I reached my door and he was just standing there. "Uhm, do you wanna come in or something?" I asked shyly. "Sure!" he said happily and came in. I went to get the first aid kit to get rid of the blood and yeah well you know. I wanted to put the band aid on when he stopped me. He smiled and said "Here let me do it for ya love." his accent got me speechless. I smiled and looked away. "I'm Niall." "Haha yeah I know who you are. I'm (Y/N)." "Uhm d-do you wanna like go out for a dinner and a movie sometime or someth-thing? It's okay if you don't wanna. I just -" "Shut up Niall. I would love to go out with you." I chuckled 'His stuttering is just so damn adorable.' I was walking him to the door and when we reached he asked "How's tomorrow at 7 sound babe?" he asked blushing. 'Oh god, the way he said babe just gives me butterflies.' "Tomorrow at 7 sounds great." he left after that.

The next day....................

"What am I gonna wear for our date?! Oh my god!" I was just staring at my closet. It was 6. "This?" I looked in the mirror. "No. Oh this? No no no. This date has to go well! Niall definitely never had bad dates before! Oh (Y/N), don't screw this up! Oh wait, how's this?" I picked up a casual baby blue dress. "It's perfect!" I jumped. I went to take a shower and when I go out it was 6:30pm. I went to do my hair and make-up. I got dressed by 6:50pm. 'Wow! I made it!' There was a knock at the door at 7 sharp. "That must be him." I took one last look in the mirror and then grabbed my coat and bag. I opened the door and was greeted by Niall. He had roses. "This is for you milady." "Why thank you kindly sir." I took the roses and went to put it in a vase with water. "Alright I'm ready to go now." I smiled and Niall didn't budge. He was just standing still. "Niall? Hello? Earth to Niall?" I snapped my fingers in his face. "Huh?" "Niall where were you?" "Uhm nowhere.........." he said blushing. "You just... you just look so beautiful.... I guess I was hypnotized by it..." he said smiling. I couldn't help but blush as he held my hand and leaded me to a limo. "Keep blushing, beautiful. It's adorable." he winked and I blushed even more.

After the dinner and the movie, he took me to a park. We were just walking around and chit chatting about our lives. He interlock his fingers with mine. I had a lot of butterflies! We sat down at a bench and I looked up to the sky. I saw millions of stars and I saw the moon. I sighed and said "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Yes it is." he said then looked at me and said "Just like you." I blushed. He leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me and of course I kissed back. He brought me back to my apartment. "Goodnight, sweet dreams, princess." he said as he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight and sweet dreams Niall." I was about to enter when he pulled me at crashed his lips to mine. I was exploding with butterflies. He pulled back and said "Now I'm satisfied." and winked. Again. I laughed as I saw him walking away happily hopping a bit.

Should I make a part 2? tbc though.

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