Chapter 13

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3 weeks later

Alli POV
Today I got a email from Contiki! I was super excited about that! I'm so blessed that I get called to go on these trips every year, the only problem is, Charles can't go, I will be representing my personal channel, Charles has been on these trips before, but the last trip I went on when I was with him, was in 2013, & I went alone, but I represented CTFxC then, obviously after that we broke up & Contiki only ever contacted me.
Sad part is, the Contiki trip is lasting over 3 months this time, but I'll have to talk to him.

I decided to drive down to his house today.

After a hour drive I finally got there!

"Hey Charmander" I said as I opened the door with my key.
"Oh hey Al, what a lovely surprise" he said as he got up off the couch to hug me
"Haha, did you like my surprise" I laugh
"Oh I don't...." he said in jokingly tone

We both sat down

"So my love, I have something to tell you,
So you know Contiki, as always they called me on this years trip, but unfortunately it's a bit late to take you on the trip" I said

"Oh no big deal, it'll only be for a week or two" he said

"No, babe, this trip will take over 3 months" I said

"What? Turn them down Alli, please" he said

"Turn them down? Charles I've been on every trip they have had with youtubers, I just can't turn them down" I said

"We'll find a way to get me on the trip" he said

"Babe, don't you think I've tried? It's too late, I'm sorry" I said

"Fine" Charles said in a sad/angry tone

"God Charles, why the attitude, quite frankly, I never used to complain when you used to f*** off with your band" I said raising my voice

"I'm having a issue because we just got back together" he said raising his voice

"Oh... funny that... remember when we just got married & you went off on tour, don't act like you've never gone places without me, then you came home for Christmas, then went away in February, AGAIN" I said firmly

"Yeah... well you were all the way in Thailand with Lindsay DeFranco, and that was the tour I had my first seizure, so we were reunited pretty quickly" he said

"Charles, I don't want to get into the details of our reunions after your tours, quite frankly, I'm going on this trip, I'm leaving next week, whether you like it or not" I said

I went to the kitchen & got some water to drink

I drank the water & said to Charles

"Right, I'm going home" I said in an after argument tone
"No, you're staying, especially if I have to stay away from you for 3 months,
I'm sorry, I was being selfish" he said lightening his tone.

"Babe, no, I'm sorry, I'll miss you so much, but we'll FaceTime everyday" I say to him as I walk over & hug him tightly.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had to think really hard for something to keep the story going as Charles & Alli are back together in this story now, so please stay tuned for the next part 👍🏽

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