Part 11

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The familiar sight of his home entered Avian's field of vision. He didn't know if he should feel relieved, terrorized.


All of the feelings just jumbled into one heap of emotion that almost overwhelmed the poor child. It seemed like forever since he was somewhere he recognized, especially in the comfort of where he grew up. He just stayed mute as he began to run towards the welcoming cave, but Zoar stopped him with his spark-topped tail. When Avian stared at him in confusion, he only stood looking into the distance suspiciously. "Stay here for a minute, and don't move," he ordered. Avian obeyed, watching him walk forward without him. Why did he do that? he thought.
Zoar's footsteps felt heavy as he made his way to the cave. Sweat perspired down his forehead from the close call he averted.

Were they there? Did they leave them again, like old, used toys?

He bit his lip nervously. He knew. That's what they always did. Zoar thought it was completely disrespectful, but that was what his pack was anyways: Heathens of the forest who hunted off its dwellers. No mercy, no forgiveness.

No exemption.

He shivered. It had been over a week now. How long until they would...?

He shook his head.

That was all in the past; he had Avian now. They would run away somewhere far from the pack, far from danger. Of course, the boy's cave was a fair enough distance from the pride, but he had to note that the patrol would have probably remembered where it was located since they went there. Perhaps this would be Avian's last time here. But before he could part ways with his home, Zoar knew he had to make sure of one thing first.

The trees finally cleared up, and he was met with an open field of grass with the rocky structure standing  before him. It was a wide space, reasonable for a bouncy child like Avian. Though after the past few days, the Riolu didn't act much like one anymore. He still couldn't tarnish what little innocence he had left in his heart, but it was not like he hadn't seen enough already. He smirked sadly at that. Tough pup. After getting used to his surroundings, Zoar activated his focus into his five senses. They twitched as if they were giving him a sign to continue forward. He stepped with caution around the area and tilted his head around until he caught that wretched scent.

There they were.

When he padded on, the stench becoming more powerful and intense, he wondered how Avian would have reacted to what he was about to see; it was almost too impossible for him to think it. Never would he even let that child near here in the first place before this was taken care of.

Then he saw it. Golden and black stained with dried brown. Hard white sticking from the sandy maroon that still lingered. Why would they do this? he thought. Don't they have any respect?! Why would they just...! Zoar tried his best not to turn away, and steadily began digging.
Avian finally saw his friend approach. His smile looked convincing, but his eyes were more dull than before he had left. "Alright, ready to go?" Zoar asked. Avian hesitantly nodded.


"Come on, I'll race you to the cave!" Zoar challenged with an veering grin. He began to bound over to the goal, causing Avian to smile along with him.

"Hey! No fair, you started first!" he retorted, but ran after him anyways.

Zoar snuck a furtive glance behind him, and seeing that the pup was approaching hi. quickly, he picked his speed just enough. But the child was ultimately faster. Avian sprang forward, sprinting until he hit the shell of the cave. He wasn't even tired! Zoar would be so proud! He looked back at his friend, who was all out of breath. "I won!" he cried with glee.

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