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Hey Guys So I got meh a Snuggie! It's so warm! yeah that's right be jelly :)

Here's A new chapt!

Ch.8 IDK

Chelsea's POV

I turned around to see a boy about my age. He had Dark Brown hair and The Cutest Biggest eyes u will ever see!

Dam Boy U fine!

The boy looked at me "Sorry Didn't see u there"

"Mmhh That's okay, umm?" I told him picking a piece of popcorn from the bowl and popping it in my mouth

"Oh Ben and U are?" He introduced himself and showed his smile


I cleared my throat "Chelsea"

He nodded before walking to the fridge getting a bottle of water out

"So who are u?" He asked

Wait whaattttt? (minion voice)

Did he just ask me that or?...

Well for staters I was Kidnapped forced to live here and oh Did I mention his name was Andrew Knight...he is an alpha and a werewolf, Shocking isn't it? and also I came here to get me some food cuz I was hella hungry! so what about u?

Of Course I wouldn't say that.

"Eh just staying here for a visit, U?" I asked and Ok. I lied but hey I just saved Andrews ass...yeah he has a ass!

"Well im just hanging with Kyler upstairs, wanna come where playing Truth or Dare!?" He Asked taking a seat down on the Couch

"Aahh nothing's more fun then a game of truth or dare with only to people"

I said raising an eyebrow at him

"Hey! We were bored okay. What do expect Play Tag? or let me guess Pattie-cake?" he said chuckling

"Weellll in that case okay" I said. Grabbing my popcorn running upstairs to Kylers room

"Wassup Nigga!" I said running into the room

Kyler noticed me and smirked "Nothing much homie"

We turned to look at our failed Rap talk and laughed it off

"Hey I'm backk!!!" Ben walked in

"Yeah Whatever" Kyler said

"What?!" Ben asked ,

"I was busy talking to Chelsea Here, right Chelsea?!" He said plopping on the bed

"Yeah sure u where..." Kyler said sitting in a circle form

"So Chelsea...Truth or Dare?!" Kyler Asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Dare!" I spoke confidently

"Ah yes a Dare devil I see" he rubbed his chin as he thought

"I dare u too...make out with me in the bathroom for a min." He spoke with a smirk

"Whatt No!" I said . Well of course I would but Ben's Here and plus I'm not sure what Andrew would think

"Hey it's a Dare! and Andrew won't know!" he chuckled









"Yes?" wait what he tricked me!

"Hahahahaha u said yes now bathroom NOW!" he pointed to the bathroom

I pouted but I did so . he Locked the door behind us and got his the phone out.

"Why the heck do u need ur phone?!" I whispered/yelled

"Time us duh" he said setting the time up

I felt my cheeks warm up with embarrassment

"Aw ur so cute!" Kyler said pinching my cheeks

"Okay ready?" I asked

"Someone's in a hurry" He joked getting ready to start the timer

He got closer to me that I could smell him and he smelled good. He hugged me and nuzzled his Face in my neck and I felt his warm hot breath.

"Whaa-" He cut me off by gently sucking on my neck

I wanted to pull away but it felt gooooooood!

His lips trailed up my neck making me moan, he traveled to my jawline and I felt his warm lips on mine. He kissed me and I Kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. He kissed passionately but gently at the same time. We moved in sync. but stopped to get air.

We broke apart not noticing the timer was already off, I looked down and smiled.

Why the heck?! what? what!

I looked up to see Kyler looking at me intensely before cracking a smile.

"Wow" was all I could say

"Chelsea, U were great" Kyler said taking my hand and leading me outside

I noticed Ben wasn't there anymore but I can't blame him we took like 5min.

Kyler lead me to the bed and I sat down him following beside me.

"Chelsea...I want to tell u something" Kyler said nervously

Wait. did he want to tell me he didn't feel any sparks because I did but not as strong with Andrew

"Let's just forget about this okay?" he said looking up

A part of my heart just broke.

"Yeah and hey it was a Dare and I should get back to my room okay" I said getting up

He looked up but covered it with a fake smile.

I walked out bumping into someone...i crashed onto the floor hitting my head on the wall I looked up to see. Andrew.

So yeah it's short but hey I tried

What do u think about Ben? and Kyler and Chelsea kiss?

And what will she say to Andrew!

U will never no! just kidding ! the nest chapt will be sometime tommorow!


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