Public Happenings (Established Relationship)

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Inspired by the upcoming performance and the screenshots that I've seen on twitter (specifically that one above)
This one is really short. Sorry for that.

Their relationship wasn't made public. It was a mutual decision, one they agreed upon together. But honestly sometimes he wonders if he can keep this up. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't regret the decision because the limited privacy it brought them allowed their relationship to grow and develop properly and purely; without the added pressure and problems that he's seen many of their friends go through by making it public too early on. So he doesn't regret it. He just really questions his ability to maintain it, because every time he sees her all he can think is: "Must touch now". It's both physically and mentally exhausting to keep his hands off of that girl, both in and out of the public eye.

Thank the heavens for these rare occasions where they get to perform together. The romantic touches and sensual choreography gives him one hell of an excuse to finally, finally, touch her like he wants to without heavy speculation. They also give her one hell of an excuse to continuously knock him over the head because he "needs to control his cave man tendencies" and "can't possibly be acting like an hormonal teenage boy right now", her words not his.

But really, who can blame him? Bodies pressed together, hands gliding all over, lips so close he can taste her. Just thinking about it drives him crazy. He can't be held responsible for his lack of self control; there is no possible way for a man to not get carried away when the woman he loves is in his arms, body arching into his, breathing heavy and hard in his ears, skin as smooth as silk under his fingerti-

"Ow!" The slap at the back of his neck caught him off guard more than it hurt.
"The take finished two minutes ago Tacker. Why is your head still buried in my breasts?" Krystle hissed the words out so only he could hear, but he was sure everyone could feel the glare she was sending his way.

"Maybe it's your breasts that are still attacking my face, ever thought of that? Huh? Nahi? Well maybe you should. Put a leash on those beasts." The leveling glare she set on him showed exactly how unimpressed she was.

"Really? Because the last time I checked it's you that have yet to set me back on the ground, and it's your arms that are locked around me in an iron grip."
Okay so maybe she was right, but come on, give him some credit, his comeback was pretty clever. Right? No? Okay then.

"Oh come on you like it" he tightened his grip on her waist, bringing her closer to him, her lips closer to his. He could honestly care less about the people around; he was tired of hiding his love for her, tired of keeping her at arms distance or only hold her in merely "friendly embraces", tired of down playing the depth of his connection with her. It's seems like she was tired to, because instead of pushing him away and reminding him about the eyes around them, all she did was smile that blinding smile of hers, bend her head closer to his and whisper "I love it", before capturing his lips in a deep kiss.
Can you blame him if he completely devoured her mouth for all to see?

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