choosing your vamp name

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Use a vampire name generator. Special programs have been built for the computer and even as phone apps, that are able to instantly create vampire names and a basic search of the internet will bring back a few for you to try. Generators tend to pull together lists of names drawn from ancient vampire lore and legend, old and recent novels, movies and TV shows, role playing games, and anything else they consider appropriate. Some generators are based only on certain shows or books. Have a search around to find which work best for your needs. Here are some examples drawn from using various name generators:Female: Aubrey Le Mort, Marishka Fargloom, Bruxa Coldbane, Josette du Coudray, Lynessa IceshardMale: Michael Papillon, Azazel Mordant, Barnabas Dirge, Damien Winters, Vladimir MorbidFemale: Empress of Flesh, Seductress of the Thirsty, Comtesse Silver Medea, Comtesse Dangerous DementiaMale: Lord of the Cold Wastes, Emperor of the Great Oceans, Anubis of Delhi, Prince Ivan Bitter


Look up lists of fantasy names online. There are a number of sites that have made long lists of names drawn from all realms of the fantasy world, including novels, legends, movies, etc. While these are not strictly vampire oriented, you'll often find vampire names listed in them and there are bound to be many fascinating names in them to mix in with your choice of name, enabling you to make your vampiric name a lot more original than simply using a vampire name generator.


Use names from novels and movies. While the generators often draw on these names, if can be more interesting and personally satisfying to find your own favorite character's names in books, TV shows, or movies and to adapt these to your needs. You could adopt the entire name, or mix it up with your own name, or other vampiric names that you like.Look online for lists of names drawn from specific authors, novels, or shows. These can cull down the searching time considerably.As part of taking on the name of an existing character, it's important to read the books or watch the shows, in order to have a thorough understanding of the traits and motivations behind the character chosen.


Think funny. Does your vampire name have to be all doom, gloom and seriousness? There are some truly funny vampire name possibilities out there too, as a result of parodies on the vampire theme. And what sweeter revenge for a vampire fan than to take back a parody and own it seriously? Here are some suggestions:[Count Blood Count (Bugs Bunny)Count DuckulaCount Floyd (SCTV's Monster Chiller Horror Theater)


Contemplate creating a name of your own. Reflect over it for a while and look deep within yourself. What names are bubbling to the surface that seem to "fit" better than anything else? This exercise might take a while, or it could happen very quickly; either way, trust that you will come up with a name that will suit your needs most.Keep your first name and add a vampire or horror name at the end. In this case, you keep your everyday name (handy if you still need to respond to people) and simply add a suitable last name. Either adapt something from known vampire names, or use another type of horror word, such as ghoul, slash, bloody, monster, psycho, brute, evil, etc. For example, Gianna Ghoul, Bob Brutal, Melissa Zombie, Harry Sharptooth, etc. If you like the sound of certain names together, consider trusting your intuition and going with that choice.A common first name (not your own) with a vampire last name can also work well. Bill, Edward, James, Victoria, are informal, commonplace names currently in high circulation on TV shows such as True Blood and the Twilight series.The stranger or weirder the name, the less realistic your vampire might seem to some people who view exotic names as pushing the envelope too far for beings who are still human but "with a difference" in our more modern times!


Ask friends. There are several possible approaches here. You might already have several names in mind but can't choose – ask your friends which they think suit you best. Or, you might not have any ideas at all but have friends who are steeped in vampire lore and can help you out by suggesting suitable names.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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