Chapter 1-We're Having Coffee

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I stared at myself in the mirror, not too bad Rylee. Well, for a Monday at least. I wore black skinny jeans with a plain white vest top and a bomber jacket to complete the look. I had decided to leave my hair with its natural ginger curls and applied a light amount of make up to my face. "Honey, you should be leaving now." My mum called up to me from downstairs. "Yeah, I'm just grabbing my bag!" I shouted back so she could hear me. I was out the door within 2 minutes, after grabbing a breakfast bar and calling out to my mum to tell her 'goodbye' and 'love you.'

I made it to school just in time and quickly rushed to my locker to put the stuff that I didn't need away. The bell had already rung and there was no one in the hallway. Just as I rounded the corner, I collided with something hard and fell back onto my arse. "Damn it" I mumbled to myself. I didn't have time for this, first period had started five minutes ago and I didn't really feel like getting a detention. "For fuck sake, watch where you're going" I heard a male voice saying. My eyes darted upwards and they met a pair of brown ones staring straight back at me.
Shit. It was Cameron Hale.
I was surely not going to make it to first period now.

To my surprise, he stood up, dusted himself off and started to walk away. I breathed a small sigh of relief and pushed myself up off of the floor. Gathering my books, I looked over to Cameron to see he had stopped and was now staring at me. I started to turn around and walk away but then he spoke. "You're going to get coffee with me after school." He stated, a slight smirk on his face.

"Um, excuse me?" I looked at him with confusion.

"You're going t-"
I abruptly cut him off.
"Yeah I heard you, but I'm not going anywhere with you."
I started to walk away again only to be pulled back by my arm and pulled into his chest. It didn't hurt but I could still feel the pressure of his hand holding me. I glanced down at his hand gripping my arm, he must've noticed this and immediately let go, my arm flopping to my side. I realised that I was still pressed up against his chest and took a few steps back.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you will be having coffee with me after school." He gazed into my eyes while speaking. "And why is that?" I cocked an eyebrow, still looking into the brown orbs that were his eyes. I was still very confused, considering that I had never spoken to Cameron in my life. Yet here he was, asking- no telling me to have coffee with him. This whole scene seemed bizarre to me. "Because I said." Cameron smirked once again. "Meet me in the parking lot after school." He walked backwards as he said this.

"See you soon, Rylee." He winked and strutted away, leaving me in the silence.

What the hell just happened?


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