Chapter 2- Mystery Guy

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I jumped at the sudden sound of the school bell. I must of zoned out. Not very surprising, considering it was Mr Westwick's class and he was about as much fun as watching paint dry. Slowly making my way out of the classroom, my conversation, if you could even call it that, with Cameron flashed through my mind. What did that guy want? I'd never spoken a word to him before this day, and suddenly he knows my freaking name? I mean, I only know his name because of his status in school.
Jerk. Fuck boy. Man-whore. Dick head. Guy with the massive ego. Take your pick, that's him.

Well, that's my view on him. The rest of the school may not agree. They practically worship him for fucks sake. I don't understand why. Like yeah, he's attractive. But he's also the biggest shit face I've ever seen! He's just all me, me ,me! Oh wow I didn't realise how much I disliked him.
I assume he was joking about the whole 'you're getting coffee with me' thing. Probably just trying to piss me off.

Not today Satan.

The second my feet stepped out into the parking lot, I saw him. And he saw me.
I thought he was just going to turn around, hop in that fancy car of his, and be gone. But no, clearly I'd done something to piss off the gods, turning them all against me. Only about a metre away, I could see his full blown, almost obnoxious, smirk.


"Hey there Rylee," he put extra emphasis on my name, rubbing it in almost.
Okay, two could play at this game.
" never told me your name" I replied with confusion clouding my face, when really I was smirking inside at his flustered state.
Clearing his throat, he took a moment to compose himself.
"Erm it's Cameron?" His answer was more of a question. He's probably never actually had to introduce himself before.
I was already grinning to myself at what my reply was going to be. "Are you new here? I've never noticed you before?" At this, his cheeks flamed. I could tell he believed every word that left my mouth.
Rylee-1  Cameron-0


We arrived at Nina's, a small, cozy coffee shop just a couple minutes away from school.
Just so we're clear, the only reason I'm putting myself through the torture of having to interact with Cameron Hale is because I'm extremely curious as to what he could possibly need from me. Also, I may just want a free coffee.

After making my way over to the two person table that stood in the corner, I glanced around the coffee shop. Surprise, surprise, Cameron already had two girls ogling at him. They were practically inside him from how close they were.
Ugh. I allowed my eyes to wander literally anywhere else. They caught the eye of a guy who looked to be my age. Mystery Guy was already looking at me, he smiled and began to make his way over to me. Jesus on a breadstick he was attractive! Medium, brown hair covered the middle portion of his head, whilst the sides were slightly shorter. His eyes were also brown & beautiful. Sweet Satan, I'd not even met the guy and I was already thinking of what our babies would look like!

He slid into the seat that was supposed to be reserved for Mr Satan over there, but I'd take Mystery Guy over that dick face any day.

Mystery Guy's heavenly lips parted, "Hi, I-"

"Who the fuck is this guy?"

Rylee-1  Cameron-1

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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