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(this part is finally done enjoy)

Chapter 1 Nightmare

His complexion was a pale pasty white with dark shadows under his eyes. Eric regards his reflection in the mirror with sleepy mixed emotion, for the past several weeks nightmares haunted his dreams and what little sleep he did get was short and light. Eric bends over the sink and splashes water in his face and leaves watching his reflection walk out of the mirror. He sits down with a sigh waiting for the minutes to pass before it was time to leave and take on yet another day of prison, also known as school. The doze was light and dark but he could still see those dark eyes gleaming so full of promise and yet so full of deceit, like open doors into the very gates of a hell that no man has yet to see. His eyelids slide open and he stands shouldering the pack with a grunt. Everything seems heavier when sleep becomes more difficult Eric thinks absently as he walks out the door. The day has begun. The bus slows to a stop and the doors open with a hiss in front of them and everyone steps aboard without saying anything.

  Time passes quickly and he steps off the bus along with everyone else and walks to the library like he does every morning.  Eyes watch and assess the people that pass him judging them like they judge him, he watches couples hold hands and flirt with each other silently wishing he had his own, one that wouldn’t use him like the last ones had. Eric sees her and sighs unsure why he still hangs around her, stupidity he guesses.


"dude, you look like dogshit." She says in her usual banter

"well thank you, your too kind." He says smiling.

" no seriously dude you look like shit…" she pauses eyeing him closely. "you're not sleeping again-"

"Nikki don’t start this on me again." He looks down yawning. "its these stupid nightmares."

she scowls at him and Eric feels the spark of anger ignite the fuel within his mind as a series of curses and shouts fly about in his mind. "I'd advise you to drop the subject before you even begin it. Its not you I'm sure of that… I'm not even sure what it is." He says calmly rubbing his temple. To his relief the bell rang and put an end to the madness he turns and walks to class, and sits down only to realize that he left his backpack behind, he gets up and sprints down the hallways avoiding the people easily feeling what little energy he has drain away with each step. He skids to a stop and slings his bag over his shoulder and feels the many textbooks shift throwing him onto the ground with a heavy thud. People around him start laughing he smiles and gets to his feet as the 1minute bell rings and Eric smiles and walks quickly back to class their laughter following him. Eric manages to sit down just as the final bell rang for class to start.

                  Tick…. Tock…. Tick….. Tock…. Tick….. Tock…… the time seems to slow as the lunch bell gets closer and the teacher drones on about something that he already knows. It rings and everyone stands and rushes out the door like rats from a sinking ship clawing and pushing their way out the door, then you get swept up in the current of moving  bodies all rushing to lunch pushing and shoving and clawing their way forward. Eric looks up in time to see a large dude rushing his way forward seeming to use his girth to move the crowd. A girl looking rather lost glancing to and from the messy papers in her arms got shoved into a wall sending her stuff everywhere. Almost automatically, Eric walks over and helps her up, they stare at each other a moment admits the crowd after a moment he kneels down and gathers her things. "You should be more careful." He says smiling

"I know." She replies and Eric glances up at her to see that she was watching him intently with her hazel eyes. She looks back down as he gathers up her things they stand up together and gives her, her things back feeling his heart racing in his chest. No, no, no!! I will not be doing this again, his mind screams at him. The two of them stand there staring at each other in the deserted hallway. "My teacher said I have lunch next … would you mind if I followed you?" She said ending the seemingly endless silence. "Yeah sure." Eric says feeling like he forgot something.

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