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TThe sound of the piano playing wakes Eric up from a light and painful sleep. He sits up and sees Shannon asleep next to him and smiles to himself, a sharp pain shoots through him causing him to groan in pain and lay back on his back its then he realizes that he's in his underwear and starts feeling self conscious. He bites his lip to keep from screaming in pain he looks down at his belly and sees gauze stained red wrapped around his belly and back along with his right arm and deep cuts on his  chest and well everywhere. Shannon stirs beside him then sits up and looks at him. "You're awake! Oh my god, you didn’t die!" she hugs him and he groans in spite of himself and she lets go. "Sorry!" she says looking at him. "looks like I need to change your bandages." She says getting out of bed, walks around to the nightstand on his side, removes several rolls of gauze, bandages, and sets them on the bed. "You gotta get the blankets off so I can do this." She says gently, and after a moment Eric tosses off the blankets. "W-what happened?" he asked watching Shannon pull off the bandages and his eyes widen when he sees the wound, his right side was torn open revealing a layer of pinkish muscle that seemed to be. he turns away and lays back and tries to relax he feels Shannon's warm hands against his skin and tries to focus on that and not the pain. but when she puts her hand in the wound he screams, the scream sounded primal little black dots start clouding his vision but he fights them away. "ok all done!" she says and tosses the bloody rags into the trash, she sits on the bed beside him and leans down and kisses him feels how cold he is and climbs in beside him being careful. Eric smiles when Shannon wraps her arms around him he tries to return the hug but realizes how weak he is… he slowly fades back into the darkness.   

                                Eric sits up and the room is completely empty and dark, the ceiling is a bright white rectangle of whiteness he looks around him and sees he's inside a coffin. Dirt starts falling from above he tries to scream but is unable to as the walls cave in around him. He is dimly aware of the fact that he seems to be drifting backwards and is oddly comforted by the silent cool of the dark away from the prying eyes of the living. the sound of rushing water becomes louder and he's moving faster unable to move he tries to scream but is only able to get a dry croak to issue out of his lungs. he can see large spikes hanging from the ceiling and thousands of red eyes watching him he is suddenly pulled upward by unseen hands and is carried and propped up against the wall the coffin door swinging slowly back and forth. Several shadows move in front of him and whispers reach his ears, "what should we do with him master?" one croaked in a harsh raspy voice. "Feed it to the beast." Another said his voice calm and oozing a dark cunning the eyes are like glimpses into hell that he is about to witness, a chill runs up his spine as the coffin door closes.  

                The dream shifted the way that dreams do now Eric was standing out in the open  he seen Shannon or who he thought was Shannon but she was different, younger? No, same age but her cloths . she was wearing a green dress green and white with a hat, it seemed to be old time cloths, medieval? Maybe. He watches her fascinated trying to figure out where he was. The day darkened as clouds moved in up above a lone horseman rode up on the road, shouted some things and dismounted his horse Shannon had fallen on her back, he seen a flash of steel and heard a scream and Shannon was laying in a pool of blood the knight was laughing, the laughter chilled him to the bone. A man dressed in black rushed up shouting the knight was distracted a moment and the man had run into the woods with the girl in his arms. He laid her down in the soft grass under a tree and kissed her neck, she coughed up blood and pulled in a harsh breath….

                The dream began to change again and now he was following a hooded figure moving silently and quickly though the woods he could feel who it was. Shannon. The figure stopped and pulled out a glowing red stone and threw it into a wide swift moving river where it was swept away. The stone washed onto the riverbank and it rolled down a hill and into the mouth of a cave with which it stayed. He could since the sinister power pulsating within wanting to be found, the scene changed and he was sitting atop castle ruins watching over the valley, waiting. Watching. He looked around and seen many stone dragons some broken and cracking but most were pristine as if just made…..

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