I Want to Love You

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     It was last Summer's final Eve that I fell for him. I remember his gracious smile that enveloped me with this feeling that sucked me into an everlasting fever. I couldn't decipher this upcoming emotion that drived this devotion to solely stay by his side. I was confused, scared, and yet a little relieved. For long I had thought because of being naive that I would miss such experiences, and maybe become devoid of adulthood because of my childish perception of this lackluster world. Am I Misanthropic for being jealous of humans and their flow of the river? They seem to know everything when it comes to them. They learn, grow and just keep growing. Well many, at least. I'm rambling again, aren't I?

    My name is Carmen, formerly Nexo Unit 31A. You'd think I'd be some sort of stolid human just learning how to feel or express emotion, but no; I'm an alien. That sounds cheesy, I'm so sorry! Even so, it's the truth.

  When I came here, several years ago my purpose was to help bring material to help save our population crisis. It was an adventure, a long and devasting one. I met people from all types of places, including him. He's not from here either, you'd expect there to be an automatic connection. Extraterrestrial romance, you'd call it. But it was rather friendship at first.

  Everyone calls him "Beep." Its silly, but he likes it. It suits him. He's genuinely a sweet and caring person. Always checking on me, making sure I was okay especially after an incident where I barely could function. I don't know why I didn't see the love and affection he was giving me as anything other than a minor thing. I feel bad for pushing his hard work off as just a casual thing. I took it for granted. I'm awful, I know. Yet he still admired me.

  Back to that eve. I had experienced my firstever summer with him and our friends. I had lots of fun despite being used to the freezing frost from back home. We were sitting ontop of my good companion Dew's parked camper. My eyes were fixated on the setting sun, the stars, my only piece of familiarity of home began to come out. The wind was cooling, and soothing. I could smell the grilled hotdogs Dew was making from up above. It felt peaceful. We were at peace. Together. It was pleasing.

Then he spoke.

"Today was fun, wasn't it?" He said, with that characteristic voice. I could fall asleep to it, in all honesty. "Agreed, today's activities had been memorable for all the right reasons." I said, with that awkward grin of mines that had been around for years. He seemed to adore it. I would hope he would. "Will you be returning to your home? I hear everyone wants to speak to their new favorite royal." He jested, those soft hands evading my own and reaching my back for a playful pat. I can't remember wether or not if I shot him a confused look or
yelped. All I know is he seemed shocked. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend." I babbled, my face turning pale as I stared up at him with my one exposed eye. He wasn't mad, no, he broke into a smile and then into laughter.
     Oh his laugh, it was like the light coming from a birthday candle that you could see from down the dark hall when it was time for that song. It pumped you up, brightened the mood, and made you excited for the prize. It was contagious, even if you didn't like him his laughter would tickle your will into a bursting bubble of laughter.

  "I'm sorry if I surprised you." Beep would apologize to me, that sad look placed on his face. We never really had much conflict, except for once. I couldn't forget that horrified and self loathing look he had as he held my face with apologies pouring out his mouth like a broken fountain. Thats history now, though, and we were a lot closer than ever afterwards. All I know is in the next few moments, I was holding him in my arms, telling him it was okay. I just didn't want to mess up with him again.

  "You don't have to hold me." Beep meekly commented. His face burnt a dark green, what a sight. I held him tighter, on impulse. "But I want to, is that alright?" I asked, pulling him as close as we could be without it being conflicting. He just nodded, he didn't say a word. At the moment it didn't make sense, but now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I almost choked him out when I moved him. Poor thing.

I had subconsciously begun to stroke his lovely hair, it was this chocolate brown with an enchanting orange glimmer. I always loved playing with it, the way it puffed up was my favorite thing. He reached his hand up to my face and brushed back the curly fringe that covered my other eye.
    Time stood still as we locked eyes. This pulsating heat that grew on my face occured, it was sweltering, burning through my skin like a fiery rush. My heart nearly bursted from out my chest, and my body nearly melted. There was something about the way he looked at me, that made my limbs feel like noodles, and my stomach tighten. "You have pretty eyes." Was the first thing he ssid to break the silence. My fingers trembled as the slowly reached his skin and inched away from his locks. Before I could mumble out a simple thank you, he cut me off!

"I mean it, really. I could look at them for hours if you'd let me." He grinned up at me, and I just felt my heart swell. Beep gave me this loving smile, and his cheeks had this color that just popped. I felt a strange longing, a desire to cup his face; and I did. He just had a way with making my face turn a burning blue and making me act without thinking. "I'm going to stay here, on Earth. With everyone, with you." I whispered softly in his ear. "Good. I'm glad you are." He grinned, leaning on me.

The sky was dark and lit with stars that painted pictures for the eye to admire. We said nothing else after. Dew and Devilskiss waved to us from below, beckoning us to come and join. But we didn't. We just stood there, together in solitude. It wasnt till thirty minutes later that I realized the green foreigner fell asleep on me. Oh geez, it was an inconvenience. But he looked so at ease when he slept, that I couldn't bring myself to wake him. So I let him rest.

I don't think hes ready for my return of love. I'll wait just a little bit longer. Maybe next Summer's eve.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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