Part 3

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I open my eyes, blinking slowly and dreamily. I look around, until I'm able to comprehend my surroundings. Stone above and around me. Water up to my midriff. Minimal lighting. I feel around the floor. Also seems stone or cement.

My head is spinning, making it hard to focus on anything.

How did I get here? Is this some kind of dream or something?

I pant in fear, looking around for any sign of escape.

I open my mouth, only to hear a loud croak.

I feel around the bottom, making sure that I'm able to stand. But when I try to, I slip from the lack of steadiness, landing on my behind. So I crawl, trying to find something--anything.

Suddenly, I hear the muffled sound of whispers, and see a bit of light flashing around. I react the only way I know how to at this moment; I lie on my stomach, doing my best to hide myself in the water.

The group comes closer and closer, whispering rather loudly, until they reach me.

They stand still, silent, until one says, "Is she dead?"

"I don't think so." Another one replies. " way she can hold her breath for that long, so..."

One tries to turn me over. I resist, but I finally just roll over myself.

"Kill me," I sob. "But do it quickly. I can't take it."

The four look at each other, the one circles around me, sloshing the stenching water around me, sending it in my mouth, up my nose.

This is it. There's no way he's just going to leave me here to die on my own. He wants to have fun.

"Why are you here?" He asks quietly, continuing to circle around me.

"I don't know," I say, sobbing hysterically. "I just woke up here."

He stops, studying me, then looks to the other three, back to me, then sticks his hand out to me.

I quiet down a bit, confused. Why would he do this? Is he just doing this to tease me? To taunt me? "Here, grab onto my hand, young girl. I'll help you--just kidding, I'm going to slauter you to bits"...?

"Well, are you going to just sit there are cry? I'm lending you my hand! It's soft, yet has a steady grip; perfect for young, battered and confused ladies to hold on to in need! Wouldn't it be nice to be helped up by someone with such a lovely hand like mine?"

His arrogant smiles may lead others to think that he's a bad guy, but to me, it makes him look even more helpful. But it ticks me off at the same time.

"I didn't choose to look so battered," I say, my voice ringing all throughout the tunnel. "I'm very strong. I don't need anyone's help."

He kneels down to me, and brings his face close to mine. So close, that I can smell his breath. "Then why in the world were you sobbing, begging me to kill you?"

My eyes pulsing and hot from crying, I hang my head, the embarrassment setting in.

"But...I should be more gentile. Your best friend, the only person you've ever trusted, has left you all alone. Alone to cry in your room. No one there for you."

"How do you..."

"Your parents don't know you. They don't truly, truly know you. You love your brother to bits, and he loves you mutually. More than you'd ever imagine."

My eyes widen, my nose runny, my hands shaky and cold. Tears fill my eyes at the thought of Eric. "I feel like I've--"

"You've disappointed him? Nah, he's not disappointed. You did nothing wrong...maybe."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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