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( Tony 😍 I was so happy when he got on stage! )

Anna's pov

It was the next morning and I was just waiting for Alysha to finished getting dressed. She was taking me to school today. I honestly looked like crap today I quickly put on some leggings, a neck deep hoodie, and a gray beanie with my vans. Crappy I know, but honestly I didn't care. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I just couldn't sleep at all I had so much on my mind. Tony being at the way top of all my problems.

" hey I'm ready Anna. You okay? "

" I'm fine. I'm sorry I know you and mike had a coffee date. I probably ruined that too. If you want you can go I'll ask Abigail to give me a ride it's no problem Alysha! "

" you didn't ruin anything Ann. Are you sure? I could just tell mike we could go another day "

" no it fine you go ahead. I'll see you at school. I'm gonna get some breakfast. "

" okay I'll call mike right now. You're the best love "

Mike picked up Alysha while we were eating breakfast. Ronnie and Victor were going to school today because they were feeling better. Abigail's baby bump looked a little bit bigger today. She looked happy today.

" are you sure you wanna go to school today Anna? You can stay home we won't just tell your dad! "

" no ifs fine. I have to go I'm staying behind  in school work. I'll be fine if something happens I'll come home "

" okay sweetie let's go "

We dropped off Ronnie and Vic at school and finally I saw the school coming in view. I felt like throwing up I wasn't ready to face Tony. I hate him right now. There is this aching pain in my chest where I just wanna cry and scream.

" okay have a good day sweetie. Remember call me of anything. "

" okay Abigail thanks. "

" Anna I love you "

" I love you too mom "

She smiled brightly at me. I closed the door and walked in to the school and headed to my math class. I entered the classroom and only our teacher was there.

" morning Anna "

" morning Mrs. Anderson "

I wasn't sitting in my usual seat today I decided to take the second seat in the front row. I didn't wanna be near Tony. I grabbed my headphones and started playing ' I hope this comes back to haunt you ' by neck deep and put my head down.  I felt so drained. Minutes passed and I finally heard the bell ring. Students started pilling in heading to their seats. I looked up and saw Jaime,Vic,Danielle,Alysha, and mike enter together. I smiled at them and looked up to see Mrs. Anderson writing notes on the board and boy where they a lot.

" class you will copy all these notes for the rest of the period "

I pulled my note book out and started writing. We heard the door open and Tony walked in. My heart started beating quickly. He looked at me and gave me the most heart breaking look. I couldn't. I quickly looked away and continued writing away the whole period. The bell rang for next period finally my hand was cramping. I packed my stuff and was the last one out till I saw Tony waiting out side the door great.

" morning Anna. "

I ignored his words and continued walking to my class.

" please Anna forgive me. I explained

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