Losing it all

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Percy's P.O.V

"Annabeth no!" I screamed at the top of my lungs towards my girlfriend who is currently running to Gaia ready to impale the dirtface.

A Cyclops charges at me, but I manage to fight it off.

A blood curling scream is heard behind me, and I already know who it is, Annabeth.

I push the Cyclops away, and look towards Gaia, she was holding my Annabeth on her sword.

Tears dare to fall, but I don't let them.

"A-Annabeth...?" I question.

"Yes it is my dear boy, and I have great news, YOUR NEXT!" Gaia screeched, but suddenly moments later, I charge at her, using all my might, and stabbing her repeatedly in the heart.

She managed to stab me in the lung, but I didn't care, all I care about is making Her PAY!

Finally, she sank back into the earth, my breathing went away, and pain devoured me.

"PERSEUS!!" My dad yelled and ran to me, the only demigod left alive there, just as my head hit the ground, and I blacked out.

Poseidon's P.O.V

"PERSEUS!!" I yelled as I ran over to my son, who was bleeding all over and not breathing.

"Apollo get your arse over here and help my son!" I boomed, looking over to Apollo who flinched and ran over to me.

Apollo gave him some ambrosia, and bandaged him up, all the while I was dumping water on him, praying that he would live.

He stopped giving ambrosia.

"Why did you stop?" I ask, venom laced in my voice.

"Because, if I gave him any more, he would die. The best way to heal him is if I turn him to be younger, sure he'll recover slightly like this, but he will die later on. BUT, if I turn him to a child he will heal, and have a almost perfect chance of surviving the rest of his life." Apollo informs.

I give it a little thought, and say, " Fine, do it. Hurry!"

Apollo did something to him-I don't know what exactly- and my son turned much younger, five to be exact.

Then he disappeared.

"Where did he-" Me and Apollo asked, but only to be interrupted by my dear brother (Perseus calls him drama queen) Zeus.

"He is at an orphanage, I only allow you to watch over him, not bieth by him." Zeus boomed.

"How could you send my son away brother! We all deserve to be with our offsprings that survived, they have been through so much. You even lost your daughter!" I yelled, standing up and looking him straight in the eyes.

"You will listen to me! Not yourself! I rule over you." He gloated.

Perseus is right, he is a drama queen.

Percy's P.O.V

Where am I?

Who am I?

My eyes flutter open, and I immediately see this ugly old woman.

"Percy get up! Ya missed breakfast." She said, and blew a puff of her cigarette in my face.

I coughed for a second, and sat up.

How did I get here?

My name is Percy?

"Everybody Line up!" The old lady takes from outside the bedroom. "We got company!"


I walked out there, slightly wobbling a bit, and just stood next to a random kid in the line.

Childish Acts(A Percy Jackson and the Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now