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Year: 1508; Signorina means Miss in Italian
The doctor walks into the room bringing a lantern in with her. She pauses briefly to look over at me and give me a small smile. I respond by nodding as she returns to walking to a tiny table in the corner of the room. I watch from my bed as her small hands rummage through her small and torn briefcase. In the middle of watching the doctor, a wave of pain stabs me in my lower stomach. I curl in a ball and grab my pregnant belly. As the pain intensifies, I scream out in pain and squeeze the edge of the bed.

"Signorina," the doctor comes by my side and rubs my back as I groan in agony. "Signorina Viviana, I must help you push, you are ready."

After a few more seconds, the pain starts to alleviate. I nod my head and slowly roll onto my back.

"Miss, if I may ask, where is your child's father?" The doctor asks as she calls in her assistant. A young lady in a blue dress, walks through the door. She gets busy preparing a blanket, herbs, and more at the table beside my bed.

I take a deep breath. "My child has no father. He has left us."

The doctor nods in understanding but disapproval is written all over her face.
I choose not to say anything more than I already have. A knot begins to form at my lower stomach again and I scream in pain as the contractions take over my body. Luckily, this time the pain lasts only a few seconds.

"Signorina, lets push now," the doctor repeats as she sits at the end of the bed. She unravels the layers of dress from underneath me, knowing that I can not give birth with so many layers of clothing on.

The assistant lifts up my head and places another pillow beneath my upper back to help support me. I grab onto the assistants hand, ready for this baby, father or not.

"Okay Viviana, when I say push, you must push," the doctor instructs.

We wait a beat before the doctor tells me to push. I scream as I feel my body tear apart.

"Keep pushing."

I hold onto the assistant's hand with a death grip. Sweat begins to form on the top of my head and through my entire body.

"Stop pushing Signorina."

I do as she says and fall back onto the pillows panting. The assistant presses a cold wet wash cloth on my forehead and I whisper a thank you.

"Okay, one more hard push and the child will be out. Ready Signorina Viviana?" The doctor asks.

"Yes," I say breathless.

"One, two, push!"

I grit my teeth and push. My body begins to tremble from the pain. But just as fast as the pain came, it dissipates, like I had just gone numb. Pressure is relieved in my stomach and lower region.
The doctor pulls out the child and the assistant immediately cleans the child with a rag. A second later, wailing from the new bundle of life erupts through the room. I watch as both the doctor and the assistant work on my baby. The assistant wraps the baby in a blanket and walks the child over to me.

"It's a girl Signorina!" She exclaims.

A tear rolls down my cheek as she hands me my daughter. I shush my daughter and slightly rock her to quiet her. Soon, she stops her fit of crying and yawns. Her small little hand wraps around my finger as she falls asleep.

"She's bellissima," says the assistant.

"Thank you," I say while resting my head on the pillow.

"What's her name?"

I look down at her face and think for a moment. "Melania. Her name is Melania."


The cool night breeze washes over my face as I step out of my house. I look around to make sure no one is watching before I run out onto the street. I pull my baby, Melania, closer to my body to keep her warm. Continuing down the street quickly, I am lucky that no one has seen me yet. If they knew I was out at such a late hour as a woman, they would throw me in jail. It is not fair that men do not have a curfew like all women do.
I pause in the middle of the street when I hear loud noises to the street to my left. I move a little closer to get a better hearing. Loud chatter, marching, clanking of armor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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