Chapter 2 - Spouse Facade

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Vanity wanted to die.

She threw a deadly glare at Kontantine from behind his big antique desk.

The arrogant bastard seemed really pleased with himself, sitting there with that annoying smug look on his face.

What kind of game was he playing at?

"Woah,I guess congratulations are in order.--" Max chipped causing the veins in Vanity's neck to jerk.

"-- When was the big day?"Max asked handing Vanity back her fallen object after picking it up.

"I've managed to keep it a secret for five years actually. Our anniversary is coming up in a few weeks." He smirked throwing her a challenging look.

He didn't need to remind her of their anniversary. She had lived and relived every last one of them without him and with the constant reminder of what he represented in her life.

The one time she allowed herself to be vulnerable, she got ripped apart. Never again.

This man that was sitting infront of her used to be her world - her everything.

She couldn't believe that this was the man that she had fallen head over heels for, he still looked like Kontantine but different - cold.

"Where is the lucky lady?" She heard herself say before she could stop herself.

His brow quirked at her as if silently asking her whether she was being serious or telling her that she was playing with fire.

Vanity cleared her throat and quickly added, ''-- I mean, did you bring her with you?"

Kontantine drew in a long breath before tilting his head to the side. She hated it when he did that. It was as if he was trying to read her mind and usually he would be right on point.

"No, Miss Rose. She's already here, been here for a while. My wife actually loves to maintain her independence, I swear it's like I haven't seen her for five years -- busy little thing." He teared his eyes away from hers and leaned back against the comfort of his chair.

Kontantine then added. "She's into fashion, maybe that's what unconsciously triggered my interest to diverting into this industry."

My God, she had been right. This was one of his lousy schemes.

It was no mere coincidence that he has come back into her life now after all these years...but why? And more importantly, why now?

She was doing just fine, without him, without her unreliable father, without the memories of what a complete fool she had been. Why couldn't he just have stayed in her bloody past?

Vanity gritted her teeth as she glared into his eyes in hopes that she would find some sort of sign but they revealed nothing. His face remained blank.

It was no use stressing about it now. Sooner or later he was bound to tell her. This was after all the great Kontantine, he was never one to beat around the bush. Whatever he had planned, she would find out soon enough.

"I'm sure it was." She whispered harshly under her breath, missing the confused glance that Max gave her.

"So, she's what motivated, if not encouraged you to take over this new venture?" She asked determined to maintain a level professionalism.

"Somewhat--" he replied nonchalantly, "-- but in all honesty, Miss Rose, I base all my business decisions entirely on my main concept of growing my empire. It has always been to have a holistic approach on what's deemed good for business and the acquisition of Limelights has a two-way benefit. One that I'm sure that I'll enjoy pursuing more than the other."

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