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Amber's P.O.V

"Yah! Llama! Wake up and walk your dogs!" I heard that Jackie was shouting at the door that woke me up.

"Alright, alright. I'm up. Be quiet" I sat down and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my babies and they were excited for their walk.

"Wait for Mommy, Okay?" I jumped off the bed and went to the washroom. I took a bath then wore my new attire.

Ready to go. I put the laces on Jackjack and Princess then we went out with Jackie.

"Hey, Jackie? Who's Krystal?" I asked as I checked what's trending.

"Krystal who? There are a lot of Krystal in this world" She said

"I don't know. It was said that she confirmed dating some guy for 2 months now and it made the crowd gone wild. What's the big deal with that?" I raised a brow.

"Maybe, she's a model, an actress or an heiress? Who know? Talking about dating, why aren't you dating?" Jackie turned to me.

"I don't know? Mom could just fix me up" I shrugged the idea.

We kept on talking about things while walking my babies. We got tired so we decided to sat down on the grass at the park.

"What peaceful lives we are living!" I said while feeling the air.

"We are. We should be thankful that our parents are not stressing us about work." She said, messing with my hair.

"Yah! Stop!" I slapped her hand.

"Yah! Amber!" Jackie shouted.

"What? You started it!" I said.

"No! Jackjack! Look!" She pointed out. I saw Jackjack escaped his lace.

I immediately ran after him but he is so small and fast.

"Jackjack! Here, boy!" I shouted but he didn't stop.

"Arg!" I fastened up my pace. I stopped when I saw Jackjack was stopped by a girl and held him.

"He-hey. Th-thanks. Such-such a b-bad boy" I managed to say while catching my breath.

"Here, I hope that he isn't hurt or anything" She handed me Jackjack.

"Thanks. Thank you so much" I said.

"Next time, tie him properly" She said in a joking way.

"Of cou—"

"Babe? Who the hell?" A guy butted in. Must be her boyfriend.

"Oh, just a friend. His dog ran off and went to me, by coincidence" She said. Did she just call me a 'he'?

"You're business is over here. You can go" The guy said. Why does he have to be mean?

"Sure. Thanks again" I walked away with Jackjack. I should have beat him up for that attitude of his. Pfft. Who does he think he is?

"What's with the angry face?" Jackie asked

"Rude attitudes" I said.

"Whatever it is. We better get home. Dad is asking for us" Jackie said.

"Just drive, jackie" I said and we got home, meeting our parents in the living room.

"Kids, sit down" Dad said. *evaluating life decisions why do I have to be in this serious talk*

"Can I just bring Jackjack and princess in my room?" I asked

"Proceed" I went upstairs and put my babies in their area. I was at the stairs when I got eavesdropped.

"Does she really need to go?" I heard Jackie asked.

"She needs to. She needs to know our business" Dad explained. I went down and took my seat.

"Why do you want to talk to us?" I asked

"Amber, we love you. We are doing this for you and the company" Mom spoke.

"What it is?"

"I prepared our private jet plane. You'll be going to South Korea and handle our business there. I need you to learn and run our business" Dad said. What!?

"But, Dad. I don't know Korean language. Do you want me to suffer?" I asked, that's funny. I suffer all the time in silent.

"Someone will accompany you, don't worry. She speaks Korean and Chinese. You will be fine there in no time" Dad smiled at me.

"How about Jackie? Why can't she be there?" I received a smack from Jackie

"Jackie will be handling our business here in L.A. Hope that you girls understand." Dad said

"It's hard for us to do this. But we need to" Mom said. I went to her and hugged her

"It's okay, Mom. I understand. I will prepare my things now. Can I bring my babies too? but who will take care of them?" I said and kissed her on the forehead.

"Maids, Llama! Maids!" Jackie shouted. I nodded.

I went to my room and prepared my things. Even my babies. Why am I not crying? I should be since I will be leaving my home, leaving Dad and Mom so is Jackie. Being separated to them. I need to be strong. Tears won't save me now. I packed my thing and readied Jack and Princess

"Hey, Llama" Jackie popped out of my door.

"Hey, Jackie?"

"I hope that you will be fine in Korea and try to have fun, Okay? We were just talking about business and Poop! It's happening right now. Like a bomb dropped in front of our faces" Jackie said.

"I hope too. We need to be strong. Take care of Mom and Dad, Okay?" I asked

"Of course, Llama" She hugged me and messed my hair.

We laughed and she went out. I went out with 2 luggages and a bag pack. Together with my babies.

"Mom! Dad! Im ready!" I said.

"Here, Amber. Your credit card. Buy the things that you like, Okay? Even a car" Mom said and handed me a black card.

"I'll be home soon, Mom. Don't worry." I tried to comfort her.

"Let's go?"

"Lets go" I said.

Dad put my things at the back and got in the car. He drove us to the airport. We kept on talking how my life will be great in Korea. How fluent will I be and how I will have fun there. We arrived at the airport and So, this is goodbye. Huh?

"Amber, don't forget to call us, okay? We didn't do this for you to be away from us. No. Always remember that we love you. Always" Dad said. We hugged and I loaded the plane.

"Please fasten your seatbelt. We are about to take off" The captain said. I buckled up and secured my babies too. Not for so long the plane had took off and my babies were sleeping. I ate dinner and dozed off to sleep.

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