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Zayn’s POV

Today was a real chilled out kind of day. Hanging with the guys and enjoying this wonderful California cool winter weather.  Harry was just telling me how he broke up with his girlfriend. Her name was April. The April Rose! How he got such a beautiful, twenty-five year-old model to go out with him I don’t know. But they broke up last night at a party; which I’m guessing he picked up another girl there too, but I didn’t ask.  He was probably drunk as hell last night.  I shook my head. I couldn’t even get stupid Ariana to like me like before. I thought I liked Perrie; but she was just so much work.  But now Ariana has a boyfriend. It’s that gay kid, Mika.  How could she like a guy like that?

“Hey, Zayn. Isn’t that your little Ariana chick over there?” Louis said to me. I looked across the street and yet she was there looking right at me. I turned to them: “Let’s say hi.” I say mischievously. Niall gives me a look of worry, but he tags along anyway. I’m pretty sure Niall secretly liked Ariana too. He didn’t know that she was going out with Mika though.

“Hey, Ari.” I say to her. She smiles but not at me; at Niall.

Ariana’s POV

The blonde waves to me when Zayn greets me with a ridiculous “Hey, Ari.” I looked at Zayn and saw his face was quite annoyed.

“I saw Mika, here just yesterday… and you know what he said to me?” he asked with a smile. I shook my head. “He told me to back off of you. And well,” he laughed, “That made me want you even more.” he said now cackling and grabbed me. He ran his hands up my arms and kissed my neck.

“Zayn.” I say but his gentle gestures are soothing to me. But it was wrong. It was gross. It was sick. He knew I had a boyfriend.  His fingers lingered around my neck and his other hand tugged at my jacket.

“Zayn stop.” I said. But he wouldn’t. We were in the middle of an outdoor shopping center. Next thing he was full on kissing my lips with his filthy mouth. I looked over his shoulder and I saw the blonde boy start to charge at Zayn.

“Stop it, Zayn!” he yelled pulling Zayn off of me. “She’s obviously not charmed by your  sick hands touching her like that.” he said. It was quite adorable how he defended me and not his friend. Zayn grunted under his breath. He came at the blonde boy and almost threw a punch at his face when the thin straight-haired boy and the muscular short-haired boy stop Zayn.

“Zayn, no. Come on its Niall you’re looking at here. Don’t hurt him. He’s just a kid. Zayn grunted louder and threw the boys’ hands off.

“Don’t get involved with this Louis!” he yelled at the attractive straight haired boy. “Don’t touch me, Liam” he yelled at the short-haired dude. The baddest boy of them all, Harry, took Zayn away and the three left stood staring me.

“I’m sorry, Ariana. Zayn’s not always like that. He’s real nice. He really likes you too. He just hates your boyfriend Mika.” Louis said.

“Why? Mika is so nice.” I said.

“Zayn doesn’t like anyone who moves in on the girl he wanted first.” Liam said. I noticed Niall looked like he was going really pale.

“Wait.” he said stepping forward. “Who’s Mika?” Niall asked.  I looked at Liam.

“Niall’s a freshman.” Liam said.

“Mika’s is my boyfriend.” I explained to Niall. His eyes went from worried to sad to angry.

“Oh.” he said looking at his feet. Liam and Louis pushed him to me and mouthed to me, ‘You guys hang out a little. Make him feel better.’  They two of them walked away and disappeared around the corner. Niall and I walked around and talked a little. He was still upset. He finally said something when he heard my ringtone telling me that I had a text from Mika.

“What’s he got to say?” Niall asked.

“He just said he’s wrapping my Christmas gift.” I said laughing. “Ugh, I still need to get one for him.” I said out loud. Niall shoved his hands in his pockets. We walked past a café and a couple sitting outside had an adorable puppy. It was a golden lab. It had eyes like Mika.  “Awww.” I said really loud. The couple looked up at me and smiled.

“I’m’ sorry, I just fell in love with your dog.” I said laughing. They pretty woman smiled, “That’s okay” she said.

“Can I get take a picture of him?” I asked her. She nodded and said, “It’s actually a she. She’s not ours. My boyfriend and I were given this puppy from our friends but we can’t really take care of it. We might give her up to adoption.”

“Oh.” I said, “What’s her name?” I asked her.

“David has been calling her Melachi,” she said pointing to her boyfriend, “but I just call her Mel.” she said smiling.

“That’s adorable!” I say. I sent the picture of Mel to Mika.

Mika: She’s cute(:

Me: I know right. The couple who owns her let me take a pic lol

Mika: I need a dog to keep me company when you’re gone(:

Me: I feel the same.

Niall caught me laughing at the texts. He grunted, “You should get him a dog then.” he said annoyed. I stopped walking. I stared at him.

“What a great idea!” I said hugging him. I backed away and saw him blushing. I ran back to the couple and said,

“I’m so sorry to bother you again, but if you really need the puppy off of your hands… I could take her.” I said. The girl looked at her boyfriend.

“Of course. Um, when and how can we drop it off?” she asked

“I can take her now if you’d like!” I said almost jumping with excitement. The lady and her boyfriend followed me out to my car and set Mel in the back seat. They gave me their phone number just in case I needed something. I thanked them at least a million times and watched them walk away. Niall straightened out and said, “I’ll be going now, Ariana. I uh… see you around I guess.” he said rubbing his neck. I gave him a brotherly hug and drove straight home. Mika was going to love his Christmas present.

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