Part I. Chapter 1. The Child of Light

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"Elizabeth, dear sister what are you doing?" Denise called out to her younger sister frantically, as she ran towards her.

"This is the waning hour. You know better than to be out here, lest you want to be struck down by the nights beasts!" She scoulded as she came to a stop just before her sister in the meadow on the woods edge.

"I think you worry to much dear sister. There be no beasts out, for the sun is still in the sky." Elizabeth giggled lightly as she collected the last of the flowers, tucking them in the apron of her white laced dress.

"Oh Elizabeth have you any sense of self preserve? You know father's rules. We need to be back before the sun begins to set, other words who knows what trouble we will find ourselves in." Denise scoulded as she placed her hands firmly on her hips.

Elizabeth just couldn't help but giggle at her sister. She was the spitting image of their father, with her tanned skin and auburn locks. Only three years and a day older to her twenty, yet Denise was more of a mother than a sister. Having lost their mother years ago to sickness Denise quickly became like a mother hen to her and their three younger brothers.

"Oh calm down now sister before you explode a nerve in that pretty head of yours. I simply came down to collect flowers for the table and lost track of time. Come now let's head home before papa goes mad with worry. " Elizabeth teased as she took her sister by the hand holding the fold of her apron with the other.

The two walked briskly as they both engaged in the day's newest gossip. The village they lived in was small, yet quant. News traveled fast here and secrets were hard to keep. Being the Head of the Village's children, the two often found it hard to endulge in privacy. So with what little solace the two could find the sisters ate it up.

"Oh Elizabeth you are terrible! Did you really do such things to Robert? You know he fancies you so." Denise asked as she looked down to her younger sister with a bright smile. She found her sister's bravado and boldness refreshing.

"Aye, that I did Denise. That little womble had it coming if you ask me. Everyone fancies him a good hearted man but I know better. So what was I to do but knock down that ungodly ego of his in front of his friends." Elizabeth stated proudly as she held up a fist mockingly.

"But to hit poor Robert in the nose is a little much Liza. When father gets word..." Denise spoke with worry as she helped her sister open their wooden gate leading to the path of their home. Dusk long gone as stars took hold in the sky.

"Less you worry about that old gahoot. Once he knows what Robert did he will be blinded by rage and all his anger will be directed off me and onto that wormwort." Elizabeth stated with coviction as the two soon bursted out in another fit of laughter.

Their laughter soon died down however as the large oak door gave way to a very angry looking man.

"Ah daughters, finally you have returned. Have you not seen what hour it is?" Their father spoke calmly, yet his burning brown eyes were anything but. Both sisters swollowed hard as they looked upon their aging father's face, hardened with scars and wrinkles.

"I am sorry father. I was down in the meadows collecting fresh flowers for the tables when time escaped me. Poor Denise here had come to fetch me, burdened with my lack of reguard. If anyone is to blame it is I father." Elizabeth spoke up for them both as she pushed past her father, placing the fresh flowers onto the table. She knew her father favored her sister, so to place the blame on herself was the easiest solution.

Yes, her father always harbored some ill feelings towards Elizabeth ever since their mothers untimely death. It was because while Denise looked very much like him and their brothers, she on the other hand was the spitting image of their mother. Down to the same honey colored curls and fair skin. Even her pale blue eyes were a match to the mother they once had. To look upon her was to relive the heartbreak all over again and her father never let her forget it.

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