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When I was younger, my mother always used to tell me that when you find your true love, you know it. You feel it through your bones, in the beat of your heart and in every breath you take. Then again, she also told me that it had taken her a year of dating my father to realize that she was madly in love with him. I think we all dream of meeting our soulmate and falling in love, but it's not as easy as we think. Sometimes you meet someone else's soulmate, thinking it's yours, just to realize that your real soulmate has been in your life forever. Sometimes you lose your soulmate. Maybe there will be someone else out there for you, and maybe not. Perhaps in the end, it's all in fate's hands. You there, behind the screen, you might not believe in fate. You might be reading this right now and think that I'm naive and cheesy, and believe me, I don't blame you. I'm sure I'll regret writing this in a few years, but well. I promised myself the day my son was born that I would write this for him. The story of how I met his father. How I met my soulmate.

I want you to know this story because if there's one thing I've learned from life, it's that hope is the key to happiness. Even through my ups and downs, and I've had quite a lot of them, hope has saved me every time. Hope that one day, I will be surrounded by love. Call me naive, call me a dreamer. I call myself a believer. And I do believe in fate, because there is absolutely no way that I could have ended up with the love of my life if it wasn't by fate. Sure, lovers quarrel. But let's just say that my husband and I have had problems a tad larger than "quarrels". Anyway, I'm not here to bore you with my rocky relationship (well, not yet at least).

So that's it. That's why I, Salomé Lewis, am here today, in front of my computer (which just happens to be in a cupboard under the stairs because my husband is so afraid of this "muggle technology" thing as he likes to put it), telling my life in detail to a bunch of strangers. Oh dear, I'm already ashamed of myself. Well, here goes nothing. Enjoy! I certainly didn't...

PS. Future Sally, please tell me that parenthood gets easier. Because honestly, even with all of my cheesy excuses above, I'm really just writing this because my son is screaming his lungs out and I don't want to deal with it. Hopefully, my husband won't hate me forever for hiding out here. That was all. Oh, and I'd also like to know if my hair really is thinning because I pulled out a whole chunk of hair the other day, yet my husband says that it's just my pregnancy brain messing with me. Thanks.

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