Chapter 9: Mission Day 1; La Barca Hotel

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Dagh!!!!! *pouts*

Hinata: Umm, Adri is everything okay?

Me: It's just that I think this chapter is going to suck. I'm having a little writer's block.

Hinata: No! It's not going to suck. You are a great author and the whole crew believes in you.

Me: Even Sasuke? Because he just emo.

Hinata: Even Sasuke.

Naruto: Believe It!

Me: Thanks guys. As an author I must give it my all! For the readers!

Tenten: That's the Adri we all know and love!

Hinata: And if you have writer's block we'll help you.

Me: You guys are the best!!

Ino: Group Hug!!!

*group hug*

Orochimaru: Adri does not own 'Naruto' or the characters. She merely owns the plot and her OCs. She hopes you enjoy her efforts, please excuse grammar mistakes, vote, comment, and keep on with the story.

Kiba: Orochimaru, get in here!

Orochimaru: But I'm not in the story.

Kankuro: Who cares! Kabuto's in here!

Kabuto: Hello Lord Orochimaru!

Me: All Naruto characters are welcome!

Orochimaru: Alright *gets in group hug*

Third Person POV:
Location: Taxi #1; 17 minutes from La Barca Hotel
Time: 9:25 a.m.

You know those times when you feel this weird tension that just decides to show off in the atmosphere. When you just can't say anything but you, oddly, feel like it's needed. You start you look around and pretend that you're doing something but in reality you're only trying to get people's attention. What you hear when no one has something to say to start a reasonable conversation.

I mean seriously, you start to think of things that might start a conversation even if it lasts five minutes, but all that pops up on that pink bloody pice of mass you call a useful brain, is so Trump or Hilary? which, even if you live on the other side of the planet, would start a conversation since it's been blowing up the news like World War 2, until you realized that you'd be repeating that conversation from last week you had with your dog, other pet, lazy roommate, or just an imaginary friend you made up because you're forever alone and can't talk to your other friends because it's a week day and they're busy but you got the day off.

Sickening isn't it?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then buddy I'll explain. You see, here on Earth we call that awkward silence.

And it was what exactly what agents Naruto and Hinata were feeling at the first twenty-six minutes, heck even the taxi driver felt it but he didn't think much of it and focused on the road, until Naruto was finally able to break the silence by trying to start a conversation with his partner for the mission.

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