Chapter 1- Meeting My Brothers Friends

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The halls were empty as I arrived at school, two hours late. I walked through the door of my English class, right in the middle of the lesson. "Late again Miss Clifford. What's the excuse today?" My teacher Mr Askew said as I walked to my seat at the back, sitting down and putting my feet up on the empty seat in front. "I don't have one." I shrugged, showing no interest in his lesson. "Feet on the floor Clifford." Mr Askew said but I just looked at him, not following his instructions. "Some time today please, before you disturb the lesson more than you have already." His voice was boring and irritating, just like his personality. "I haven't disturbed your lesson, that was all you. You didn't have to stop your class and talk to me." I said smartly, watching his face turn slightly red in anger. "That's it, out. Get out my classroom!" He shouted. "Happily." I said, picking my bag up and leaving the room, deliberately leaving the door open as I left, just to wind him up a little bit.

I chuckled as he slammed the door behind me, and I started walking down the empty corridor. I pushed the doors open and walked out of school, free from the shithole that is my school. I started the walk home, arriving at my house 10 minutes later. I was surprised to see three different cars outside, my brother probably had his friends over again. He hangs out with them a lot, mostly at one of their houses. They became best friends at school and started a band, then over the years they became more well known. Last year they actually went on tour with One Direction, and they have an album out now. Basically my brother is world famous, but I couldn't care less.

I went inside my house, hearing voices and laughter coming from the living room. "Michael I'm home!" I shouted to my brother, putting my bag down and going into the kitchen. I opened the fridge door as Michael followed me in, his three friends trailing behind. "What are you doing home so early?" He asked, frowning at me. "I got sent out of class so I came home." I said, opening a carton of juice and taking a sip straight from it then putting it back in the fridge. "Why'd you get sent out this time?" He asked me, leaning on the counter. "I don't even know, I did nothing. Askew was just being an asshole again." I said, making him chuckle. "Alright, that teacher is an ass." He said.

"So what are you three doing here?" I asked, looking at Michael's friends. One of them had dark hair and tanned skin, with tattoos on his bare arms. Another one was blonde and fair skinned, and had a ring on his lip. He was the tallest of the four of them, and his hair was quiffed up. The last one had curly brown hair that was pushed back with a bandana, and the drumsticks in his back pocket told me that he's the drummer. I remembered meeting them all once last year before they disappeared off on tour, and I vaguely remember their names. I know Calum's the tanned one with the tattoos and I know that the other two are Ashton and Luke, but I don't remember who's who..

"Band practice." The blonde one said, and I nodded. "Are you doing anything tonight?" Michael asked me and I paused, thinking. "I'll probably go and hang out with Zoe, maybe Liam." I said, watching Michael closely. He tensed up when I said mentioned Liam, he's always hated him. "You know I don't like you dating that guy." He said harshly, and I shrugged. "I know. But I like him." I said, and Michael sighed. "He doesn't treat you right." He argued, and I rolled my eyes. "You just say that because you don't like him. You don't know how he treats me, you're never with us!" I replied, running my hand through my hair.

I felt someone's eyes on me and looked at the four guys, my eyes landing on the curly haired one. I stared him down for a second, my eyes latched onto his. "What are you staring at me for?" I asked, folding my arms. "I was just thinking that you've changed since we first met, that's all." He said, much sassier than I'd expected. "It's Ashton, right?" I took a wild guess at his name and luckily, he nodded. "Well Ashton, take a picture next time, alright? It will last longer." I said sarcastically, pushing past him as I left the room.

I heard Michael apologising about me to his friends as I went upstairs to my room, shutting the door behind me and turning my music on and up loud. I stayed in my room for a few more hours until school was over, then I went downstairs and shouted to Michael that I was going out, leaving the house and going to meet my best friend Zoe.

I was meeting her at the park, our normal meeting place. I sat down on the bench we always meet at and waited, going on my phone until she arrived. I texted Liam but didn't get a reply he was probably just busy again, like he often is. I looked up as I saw Zoe walking over and I smiled, standing up. "Where were you today?" She asked as we started walking in the direction of the town. "Asshole kicked me out of English so I just ditched, I had no reason to stay," I shrugged. "But my brother had his friends over, I should've gone out instead of going home." I said as we arrived at our usual hangout spot: the local store.

We went to the back of the store, and using the bins and the fence beside the store as footholds we were able to climb up onto the roof. We always hung out here, because although we weren't allowed up there we never got caught. "So did you get to see Liam today?" Zoe asked me as she pulled a packet of cigarettes from her jacket pocket, handing me a cigarette and a lighter. "No, I wasn't at school and he couldn't come over because my brother hates him." I said, lighting my cigarette and taking a drag, exhaling the smoke and handing Zoe the lighter. "Your brother just needs to lighten up and be less overprotective of you." She said, putting her cigarette to her lips. "Tell me about it." I sighed.

We stayed there for hours, until it was dark and much later in the night. We walked home together until we got to mine, then I went in and Zoe continued walking home. I let myself in and went straight up to my room, not noticing if Michael was downstairs or in his room already. Once in my room I got ready for bed and got under the covers, texting my boyfriend (who'd finally texted me back) until I fell asleep.

Author note:
Hey, that was the first chapter of this story! I know it's not great but I've got plenty of ideas for this story so hopefully it will get better! If you've got any ideas on how I can improve I'd love to hear them, it's been years since I've written a story! I hope you enjoy it xx

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