Our first date

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The place was a archery range . I could tell she didn't like it too much, and but I thought it was nice. I haven't seen her all summer, but I asked her on a date and she said yes! On my way to get her my mom said " Dalton, take deep breaths." I was really nervous. We arrive at her house and she walks out......... My heart started to pound it was like looking at a angel. She gets in our messy car in the front seat, and my mom starts talking to her. You kniw the basic "how are you" so they start talking and I'm sitting there thinking " holy shit this is real this is happening only Something I could only  dream of is happening. After we arrive at the archery range and I get ready and I shoot. But at the end I shoot at the last target, and the target had a beehive In it. We get attacked she gets stung 3 times me only once. She ran away then a bee got caught in her hair and she ran back to me to get it out. But somehow she Tripped on a log, and fell down
. She was laughing then the laughter turned into tears and we ran away. It was the weirdest thing. She was bawling but I was starring at her and I think I fell in love. Something about this goober crying was so extraordinary. She was the prettiest thing I had seen in my life, and in that moment I knew I never wanted to let go.

To the love of my life❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now