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Chapter 1

"Hey Doc, get your butt over here" Happy half whispers half yells at her idiotic partner, hugging the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.

Toby rolls his eyes, and quietly makes his way over to crouch down next to a very impatient Happy.

"Sage should be through the window by now." Toby whispers to her, and peering around the corner to be sure no one was coming.

"We just need to make our way to the main room, and undue the security system, so Sage can make her way to the exhibit, steal the diamond. And we'll all be set for life" Happy says, with an evil smirk, and working on the locks they need to get through.

"Couldn't have said it better myself sweetpea" Toby purrs, in the midst of standing up from his crouch, and swinging his fist and hips at a guard behind him, that just rounded the corner.

Happy doesn't even blink, while Toby tied up the unconscious guard, and dragging him to a dark area in the hallway, a place where there is less chance of the body being spotted.

They can hear a crackling through their comms, and then the teams voices can be heard once again. "Mom! Dad! Where are you? I need this door unlocked, and I can't do that from this small cramped room" Sage huffs over the comms.

"Sorry Bug, mommy and daddy are in a bit of a pickle right now" Toby says, keeping guard, while Happy worked on unlocking the gate to the main hallway. A very complicated lock indeed.

"What do you mean by that" Sylvester asks over the comms. They can hear the clicking of keys in the background, while he does magic with his computer.

"Me and the Mrs. are just trying to find our way back to the hall. We almost got ambushed again, so we had to make a run for it" Toby explains, in the quietest voice he can make, and looking around the corner again.

"Toby. Boss isn't gonna like this" Sylvester says, and Toby can hear his sigh of disappointment over the comms"

Toby's about to retaliate, but is interrupted by several clicks and clangs. Indicating that Happy has unlocked the gate, and is ready to move on with their heist.

"Hey baby, we're making our way to you as we speak" Happy says to Sage over the comms.

Sage's end of the line is silent, all they hear is her occasional ragged breaths.

In order to be a good thief, or even criminal. You need to know how to hide, and heavy breathing is an easy way to get yourself caught.

So the first thing she was taught from infancy, was how to stay quiet, and control your breathing.

Toby picks up on what's happening straight away, and follows Happy down the shadowed hallway as he speaks to Sage.

"Alright listen very carefully baby. One tap for they got you surrounded, two tap, for they're almost on top of you, or three, for your being paranoid, and your not exactly sure"

They hear two distinct taps, come from Sage's end.

Happy's starts to panic a little, while working on the wiring that is supposed to unlock the door for Sage.

"I can't believe we let our nine year old daughter come with us on a freaking heist. And now she's in trouble" Happy grumbles, while messing with the workings.

"Happy she's going to be fine. If she remembers anything either of us have taught her, which she has. She will be fine. She's been raised like this, she knows what she's doing" Toby's says, with his back to Happy, and one hand holding out his gun in front of him. Forming a protective wall around Happy as she worked.

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