Chapter 2

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Gavner was more sympathetic when he came and got me, even following the weeks after I left. He was far more compassionate than Larten. We traveled to Vampire Mountain since Gavner held his business there. He assured me I would be fine and he'd teach me everything about being a vampire between his business and daylight every day. Honestly, I believed him.

"Ah, Gavner, I see you mad eit back safely," an old vampire said to Gavner as we walked into what seemed like the main part of the mountain.

The mountain was a labrynth of tunnels and rooms that led everywhere. In the heart, it seemed like, was the main hall. It had a rustic touch to it and it kind of called me. Old chandliers hung from the cielings and torches lit the way. Torches lit the tunnels. It was like I was transported through time into the medevial times.

I must've looked scared or somethign because Gavner put an arm on my shoulder and gave me a smile when I looked to him. "Don't worry, Jordan, you'll get used to it."

"Yeah, sure," I said as I sat down at the table Gavner led me to.

As Gavner told me about the ranks of the vampires, I found out Larten was a Vampire General on his way to becoming a Prince when he stepped down and joined the cirque. He was informative and straight forward when he told me about everything.

"Gavner," I said as I thought about his business. "What will I do when you're conducting business?"

"You'll be working around the mountain. You're a hard worker, Jordan. Your father told me that before..." his voice faded. I was still mad that Larten was that willing to give me away like some animal.

"Okay," I said. Gavner gave me a look when he noticed I was trying to resist the urge to walk outside and break something. "I'll start tomorrow."

The next day, I reported to Gavner, who then told me to report to Prince Paris. Paris, as Gavner told me, was the oldest vampire alive. After seeing how pleased he saw me when we met, I never knew I would become so close to him. He treated me with respect before he had me sit down to learn more about me.

"You must be Gavner's new assistant," he said as he turned to me.

I felt my face drain all its blood and start boiling. It took me back to when Larten told me everything. When Paris saw me, his eyebrows furrowed and relaxed.

"Sit down," he said. I sat down at the chair nearest to me. "Now, let's start with your name."

It my blood wasn't boiling before, it was now. I looked to my lap as I said, "Jordan Crepsley, sir."

Paris was silent for a moment before asking, "You must be related to Larten. I've heard some rumors around that Larten just discovered a daughter."

"Yeah, well, that's me." I didn't mean for it to come out so harshly as it did, especially in front of a Vampire Prince.

"Tell me everything," he said as his eyes lit up with intrigue.

"I was with my mother before she died. I was born human, to leviate some confusion there. When my mother died, I was sent to live with Larten, my f-f-father." He's not my dad, he's just my father. "After of living with him for a while in the Cirque Du Freak, I was sent to be Ganver's assistant."

"I know you are a vampire, Miss Jordan," he said. "Care to tell me who blooded you?" When I was skeptical, he added, "Do not worry, everything you have said and will say to me will be taken in confidence." He smiled to assure me even more.

"Larten," I said as I looked stright into his eyes. "That's one thing my father did give me that I wanted. I didn't care that I would look like this for ages before I look older. I was always interested in the world of vampires anyway."

Paris gave me a smirk, like he knew what was really deep in my heart. Maybe he saw that I wanted to be like Larten. Maybe he saw that I had a deep hatred for him since he gave me to Gavner.

"Is that all you want to tell me now?"

"Yes," I said. "May I get my orders for the day?"

"Yes, you may. We will be hosting a meeting of vampires. We need to prepare for it," he said.

"When is it?" I asked, thinking it was soon. Imagine my surprise when he said, "Seven years from now."

I widened my eyes. "Must be some convention."

"Yes, you could say that," he said with an amused smile on his lips. "Let's start with getting food for tonight and cleaning the main hall. That should be enough for the day." I smiled, happy just for some work. "Oh, Jordan," he called after me as I had my hand on the door handle. "You can also clean the room with the balcony. It hasn't been cleaned in years."

I turned to him and smiled. When I was younger, I hated cleaning. At least now, it will keep me from thinking about what I want to do to Larten if I ever see him again. I've ran that thought through my head so much, it seems so common for me now. I've never told Gavner before.

Once I got the list from the kitchens, I headed into the nearby village. When I purchased the food, I headed back, trying not to make eye contact to the people staring at me. I knew what it was for. As I was heading into the moutain kitchens again, I overheard the cooks talking.

"Yes, I hear Larten Crepsley is coming back this meeting," one said as I walked in.

"Really? He hasn't been back in years. I wonder what's so different this time," another said.

"I hear it's because of his new assistant," the first said.

"Larten couldn't have blooded a kid," the second said after the first told him how he blooded a kid my age.

"Yeah, he would have," I said as I started putting everything away.

The cooks looked at me. I shook my head and allowed them to keep going. i was just going to listen and get madder as I heard more and more.

"I hear the kid is his assistant," the first said. "I wonder what the kid had to do to make someone like Larten Crepsley blood him without thinking about the Vampire Princes."

Knowing how he blooded me, I thought, probably not that much.

I walked out of the kitchen and started cleaning the main hall. Gavner once told me what the name was but I've forgotten it and could care less of what it was. After I cleaned that, the vampires who lived in the mountain with the Princes were heading to bed. I follwoed Gavner to my chambers and finally laid down. We didn't talk as much as before, but I wanted to be quiet anyway. Knowing Gavner Purl, he knows more about my own father than most vampires. He'd know if Larten blooded another.

I was ready to ask Gavner when we reached his chambers before mine, but I was too tired to hear out the entire story if there was one. Instead, we traded tired smiles and walked into our chambers. I laid down and started thinking of what the cooks were saying about Larten. I couldn't shake it from my head. I finally decided, before I closed my eyes for the day, that no matter who Larten blooded, I'd hate them too for stealing my father before anything could happen between us.

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