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Blood. Blood everywhere.


(xxx's POV)

All of them were asleep, probably because they were too tired. We reached home at 10.30 PM, while usually we would be at home at around 6.00 PM. At that time, it was 12.10 AM. After I made sure that all of them had slept soundly, I quietly put on my jacket and a black cap. I went downstairs without them knowing.

I led myself to the kitchen, took a deep breath. I hope that it was the best thing that I could do. I doubted it at first, but after considering it for quite a few times, I decided to do it.

I opened the drawer and took out a knife. I put it on a cloth and slip it securely on my bag. Then I checked everything, to make sure that I have brought everything that I needed.

I drove to her place. I rechecked everything again. I put on my cap properly and put the knife on my belt. I slowly walked into the door. Before I knocked on the door, I took a deep breath and prayed that it would go like the flow that he had been expecting.

When I was ready, I knocked on the door. Her mom was the one who opened it.

"Who a--- HEY!"

I quickly pushed her and made my way upstairs. And there, I saw her being abused by her father with my own eyes. I gritted my teeth and walked to his place. Without any hesitation, I stabbed him.

/end of flashback/

(Jenny's POV)

I saw the scene with my own eyes. I was truly shocked by that action. Who's actually this guy? I stood up to help my father, but with no success. He was lifeless. The amount of blood that came out from his stomach is considerable.


It was useless. Everything just happened so suddenly. My mom was there, standing at the door, looking at the lifeless guy on the floor. Michelle, who was annoyed by those noises, also came to my room to discover that her father has gone forever.

The guy who stabbed my father then put the knife down and took off his cap. My eyes widened to the familiar face.

"M-M-Min Yoo-Yoongi?"

He just looked at me with his watery eyes. His tears dropped when he finally uttered his words to the lifeless guy.

"It's been a long time, father. I have accomplished it. The thing that I have been wanting to do if I ever meet you. Yeah, I finally did it. You did the same thing to mom. You killed her, so now I did the same thing to you. It is fair, right?"

My jaw dropped to that statement. My father is also Yoongi's father?

"I thought that you have changed. But no. You even dared to be abusive towards Jenny, who is not even your biological daughter!"

"Shut your mouth up!"

When my mom shouted, I knew that something was wrong. Everything was attacking me right at that moment. Discovering that Yoongi's father has been living with me this whole time, and that.. I'm not even their daughter, is seriously heartbreaking. Besides that, the lifeless guy in the ground had me goosebumps.

"So for these whole years.."

That woman and Michelle just looked at the ground, not wanting to meet your eyes.

"I understand now. I'm not your fucking biological daughter! That's why you always treat me so damn different from that girl right beside you!", I shouted while pointing at Michelle.

"Why didn't you just tell me right from the beginning!? Why would you make me suffer like this!?"

I broke into tears and just looked at two of them. Not a single word was uttered from their mouths.

"Speak up! It's time for you to speak, so why don't you fucking speak!?"

The two remained silent. Yoongi just looked at me, painfully. I really don't care anymore.

"Y-Yoongi ah, are you okay? I'm sorry f---"

"I'm okay, Jen. I'm sorry for just telling you now."

"It's okay. At least you told me the truth. Although I--- shit."

I saw both of them were not on our sight anymore. And I knew what's going to happen next.

"But Y-Yoongi, they might report you to the police."

I quickly stood up from place to prevent them from reporting him. But he suddenly grabbed my wrist while I was trying to go out from my room.

"What are you doing, Yoongi!? Let me go!"

"It's okay. I.. killed a person. I deserve it anyway.."

"No, you don't! This is his fault, their faults! Not yours! You were trying to protect me!"

"But still, in the end, I killed a person. I'm a killer.."

"Yoongi, no.."

"Don't worry, Jen. From now on, you can stay at the boys' home. You should be happy now. You are free from them", he smiled reassuringly.

My tears dropped again for the infinite time.

"How could you still smile!? I won't be happy without you! How about the boys!?"

"No worries.. They are independent. You can rely on them. Jungkook can replace me as a composer in our club. He has the ability to do so. So don't worry. Everything is settled now, isn't it?"

"You are seriously crazy, Min Yoongi! No matter what, I'm stopping them!"

I tried to run out from my room again, but with no success. He tightened his grip.

"I told you it's gonna be okay! I have no one to worry about me anyway! My parents are gone. So if I got imprisoned, there would be no impact on anyone!"

"So who the hell are we!? Who has been living with you for these whole fucking years? Are we not even your friends!?"

I was burning inside. I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't even cry anymore. It's too much for me to handle.

"I'm sorry, Jen. Please tell the boys to live well. You too. Don't think about them anymore. You can live peacefully now."

"I... can't...", I stuttered.

Soon I could hear the police siren sound. It was approaching my home. It is scary to even think about it. I can't see Yoongi being taken away by the police with my own eyes again. I couldn't bear with that shit.

As if the world had stopped, I couldn't listen to anything else besides the footsteps. All of them were coming upstairs.

As soon as the police came to the door, they put police line on it and approached the lifeless guy. One of them then put handcuffs around Yoongi's wrist.

Before they took him away, he turned around and uttered his one last word to me.

"I'm sorry. I love you, Jen.."


Haha! This chapter revolves around Yoongi and Jenny.
I'm trying to make it as emotional as I could. Is it emotional enough? ;_;

Anyway, for those who are confused, Yoongi had actually known that he was his father in the previous chapter (#6), during his first time meeting him. He smirked, meaning that he knew he was his father.

And nope. It's not ending yet. I planned to make 20 chapters for this short story.

I have been publishing new chapters for three days respectively. Lol. I'm still in the mood to write.

Hope you enjoy this chapter as well! Thank you ♡

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