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"Are you sure you guys have to go this week?" Alessandra asks her parents, dismay clear in her voice, "Can't you guys do this some other time? I start school next week you know." She was hoping her parents would just cancel this whole trip and stay here with her, like she said before she was starting school the next week, the first day of her junior year. "Oh Honey, you know we would love to stay but your father and I need to negotiate business over in Las Vegas." Funnily enough, both of her parents work as consultants for some big shot company. In fact, that's how they met. Their job requires for them to travel all over the country, and sometimes they even travel outside of the country as well. Alessandra sighs, "Okay. Bring me back a souvenir from Vegas though please?" Her father smiled, "Of course Sweetheart." He kisses Alessandra's forehead then grabs him and his wife's suitcases and heads outside to their car. Mrs. Moore then walks closer to Alessandra and pushes some of her daughter's curly hair behind her ear. "You'll be fine," Mrs. Moore starts, "you're turning into a young adult. You can handle a few days without us, we'll only be gone for 5 days." Alessandra nodded, "Okay mom, you're right. I'll be fine." she says smiling. "Good." Mrs. Moore says before kissing Alessandra's forehead and giving her one last look before leaving through the front door and closing it on her way out.  Alessandra locks the front door with a sigh. She then turns to the stairs and slowly walks up.

When she reaches the top she glances across the hall to her parents' room, the dark and empty room that is now free of occupants. She sighs yet again and proceeds to walk to her own room. Once inside she closes the door and lays down on her bed. She doesn't know what to do, should she watch tv? Should she text her friends? Should she get on her laptop? This isn't the first time she's been home alone but that doesn't mean she's used to it. Believe it or not, her family is very close to each other. They actually do spend a great deal of time together. Do other families do that too? Maybe it's just her family that's like that. She picks up her phone to check her messages. A few friends have texted her, a few social media notifications, but that's about it. She puts the phone back down beside her on the bed before sitting up and deciding to take a shower. It'll help pass the time as well as help her relax. She strips off her clothes and goes into her bathroom, turns the water on, and waits for it to heat up.

She looks at herself in the mirror, her long curly hair going past her shoulders, her dark skin practically glowing from the bathroom lights. Alessandra is far from unattractive, in fact, many people have complimented her on multiple occasions, but the way Alessandra sees herself is different than how everyone else sees her, which is usually the case for everybody. She doesn't see the pretty girl everybody else does, she sees a girl who has the words "anxiety", "self-doubt", "low self-esteem" written all over herself. But with her family, she doesn't have to worry about her appearance and her looks, all that's on her mind is how much she loves spending time with people that she cares about and the people who care equally as much about her. By the time she gets out of her head and looks back at her surroundings, the whole bathroom was full of steam and the same mirror that she was looking at was so foggy that she couldn't even see her reflection anymore.

She turns to the shower and steps inside, relishing in how great it feels to have hot water cascading down her body after a stressful day. She turns with her back facing the shower head and lets the water hit her hair, wetting it. She then grabs the shampoo and starts washing her hair. After doing that she puts leave in conditioner in it and puts her hair into a bun to prevent it from getting wet. She then grabs her body wash and loofah and starts washing her body. She takes her time in doing so because, why rush? She's rinsing herself off when she hears a faint thud coming from a distance. She freezes and leans in to see if she can hear the noise clearer, when she can't she turns the shower off to see if that'll help. A few minutes pass and she suddenly hears her bedroom door opening, as well as footsteps. She figures it's just her mom or dad but the rapid beating of her heart and chills going up her spine say otherwise. She silently steps out the shower and grabs her towel, she just stands there holding her towel to her body and staring at the door, growing more and more anxious as every second passes. With a shaking hand, she reaches for the doorknob and...

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