Geez cakes

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(A/N:Wow It REALLY Snowy.I see Nobody's interested in this because of all My other stories!Oh well......)

Daniels POV

I pulled her close.What was I thinking?She's my Kindergarten Crush I've always liked her..Maybe I should let go.I was about to kiss her.Our lips were literally One Inch away But then Mackenzie Had to come and ruin everything.

Sigh.I guess I'll go back to the Beginning...

So after I pulled her in Mackenzie Saw us and Pushes her away.This was a fight.

"Listen Bitch get away from him!He doesn't love you.Its just pretend."Mack said.

"That...I believe.Nobody ever Does."Said emi while she cried.Afterwards she Ran into the bathroom.She never came out.It was a Lost cause.I guess she called her mom and told her To pick her up.

Emily's POV

I....I don't know what happened.Maybe I'll just Change.Instead of being all'Cherrie'Ill be 'Damp'.My Brown hair Soon became 'Sparkly'Lip Gloss became 'Plain'.I love 1D but Now,I Listen To Falling on Reverse.

Hello New me.

I didn't come back to school until a Week Later.Everyone thought I was an Exchange student.I changed my Voice to British.Hopefully no On will notice.My new Name Is Ariana.

I'm Far More Cherrie.Not Gonna Be damp Because that's a CRIME.I walked past Daniel and He Sorta Gave me a You-Look-Familiar Face.

"Hi!Do I know you?"I said All British-y

"Um...No.I don't think so...Emily?"


"Who?Oh that's my..."Um......Lemme think

"Twin?But she moved to...My hometown England!"

"Wow I...can't believe she left.I really Loved her.."Said Daniel

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2013 ⏰

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