Austin Mahone: Meet and Greet

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*Olivia's POV:

"OMGEEEZZZZ!!!! We are going to meet our idol! The one and only Austin Mahone!!!! Our Lifesaver. AHHHHHH!!!!!" I couldn't believe my bestest friend got us tickets to see Austin Mahone and meet him. Not only did she get that but she also won a contest in which we get to hangout with him for a day.

It was the beginning of school and me and my best friend, Infinity, were going into high school as freshmen. We had just finished school as we were walking to her house so we could go over the plan this weekend.

"So I just talked to some other mahomies and they said they are going to the meet and greet too, so we hangout with them this weekend."

"That sounds great I mean we are going to get crazyyyyy this weekend. Well do you wanna tell me how you won the contest." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed

"Ok well there was this contest I entered and I won" Infinity said as she rolling on the floor laughing. I gave her the most deadliest stare I could give her before she gave me the real story.

"Ok Ok Ok, so he had a contest which you knew about too. And as I entered I was reading the same print and I was one of the few to enter in the contest directly. So he tweeted me and I won!! Which you knew because you were the one to tell yeahh.."

"Wow in less than 24 hours we are going to meet him, then rock out with him, then hang out with him!! I don't know if Imma be able to breathe at the end of the day."

"Well we get to walk around the town with him and eat lunch with him too, he pays for it."

"Ahh I wish it was tomorrow already well Imma go home and go pick my outfit out and try to sleep if I can sleep" I said goodbye to Infinity as I walked home.

I ran straight upstairs to pick an outfit for tomorrow, I needed to show his merch but I also wanted to look good for him too. I finally decided on some jean-ripped shorts and a red mid-sleeve crop top, which didn't show that much skin because I was not like that.



"Olivia are you ready?" My best friend yelled at me as I ran down the stairs to see her in a black mid-sleeve crop top that didn't show much skin cuz we were classy girls not trashy girls. She also had on a red plaid shirt around her waist with some high waisted shorts and some high tops.

"I've been ready Infinity, I'm surprised I got any sleep"

"Well let's getting going" We got into Infinity's car as we headed to the concert

"I knocked out"

"How could you sleep knowing that today is our big day with Austin?"

"Olivia I've seen him before and he remembers me since I literally stalked him along California"

"Ohh that's right you've meet him a lot of times and I have never seen him even once" I pouted as I looked down at my hands that were folded in my lap as we came to a stop.

"Hey Liv, he's going to love you alright, he may not know it but he will fall head over heels for you. Don't let the times I've meet him discourage you."

I looked up to see my best friend smiling at me as she started the car ride to the venue.

We had finally got to the venue and we were late to the meet and greet.

"Infinity!!" I heard someone yell my friend's name as I turned around I saw a group of about 5 girls that were wearing Austin Mahone merch.

"C'mon Liv these are the mahomies I told you about. Hey girls this is my best friend Olivia"

"Hey" they all said in sync

"Hi, nice to meet you fellow mahomies" I said as I smiled at them.

I had meet Samantha, Kim, Jessica, Eve, and Ruby. They were die hard mahomies just like me and Infinity. As we entered the building we were the last group of girls in the line for the meet and greet. There was music playing from Austin's playlist on spotify. (If you don't already go listen to Austin's spotify playlist its lit🔥 )

In the line we had about 200 screaming and chatting girls in front of our group. They had music playing as we waited in line to meet Austin and our group was the only group that was dancing along to the music as we were rocking out to the music while enjoying ourselves because why not. We were also recording vines as we made fun of the fake fans/mahonies (lol) and of the foolish four as they were staring at us while we were dancing wild. We were giggling when we saw Alex and Zach come walking towards our group as Zach smiled to Samantha and she returned the smile. On their way towards us the group of girls standing in front of us had tried to get their attention while of the girls had pulled at Zach's shirt. He just swatted her hand away as they tried to give us the evil glare as we laughed even louder as the boys approached us it got silent.

"Hey" Zach had said to the whole group as his eyes never left Samantha's eyes who was close to the rope that he approached to. There was a rope that was put of to keep the fans in line for the meet and greet.

"Hi" was all Samantha could say as we stood there in silence recording them as the music played.

"So me and Alex were gunna go get some lunch would you wanna come with us? We'll come back and you can still meet Austin"

We all looked back and forth from Samantha to Zach a couple of times till Samantha said yes and Zach had the biggest smile on his face as he held out his arm for her to hold onto. While we were all focusing on the Samantha and Zach romance love we hadn't even noticed Alex was talking to Jessica the whole time until we saw them walking side by side behind Zach as she just smiled at us walking away.

As we got closer and closer we only had about 50 girls in front of us and his playlist was still playing it was playing My PYT by Wale (i love this song😍😌) and we were still dancing wildly with booty drops and grinding and anything else we could come up with. All the songs that played next were all these bops so we were dancing dirty just to get Austin to look at us and to annoy the fake fans that were in front of us as they gave us dirty looks as we danced/bumped into them on purpose. We had finally arrived to Austin and the fake fans were telling Austin how WE were fake, slut, attention-seeking fans yet he blew them off as Eve was the first to approach him until it was finally Infinity's time I was the last one to meet him as the song Close came on by Nick Jonas and Tove Lo. I was dancing as usual and I could feel eyes staring at me as I look up I saw Austin's hazel eyes on me as he bit his lip. He refocused himself on Infinity, took the picture, and waited for me to approach him. We both walked up to each other as we meet in the middle as he said "I wouldn't mind getting close to you" with a smirk across his face as he hoisted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He then buried his face in my neck as he whispered "I loved your dancing, I couldn't take my eyes off of you even if I tried"

We walked back to the background as Joy Ride played and he started singing to me as we took multiple pictures with me still wrapped around him and kissing on the cheek as well many more. My friends had recorded the whole thing and were replaying it Zach, Alex, Samantha, and Jessica. It finally ended as we made our way to the concert and the best part was we had front row seats and Austin would glance at me throughout the whole concert.


The concert had ended and it was only 4pm we had said our goodbyes to our new friends and me and Infinity went to go find the Foolish Four. We had finally met up with the boys and we're going to give them a tour. Zach and Alex had left to go meet up with Samantha and Jessica while me and Infinity had Austin & Robert. Austin walked right up to me as he had his lip between his lip and smashed his lips upon mine. The kiss made my stomach erupt into butterflies as I kissed him back it was a long, yet loving passionate kiss that could last on forever. Until he broke the kiss, "You ready babe?" Austin told me as he intertwined our hands together walking us to the town where would have our first date.


I almost died writing this, breathing problems occurred guys i just....yep😅

Enjoy comment any recommendations and feedback

sherry \(^•^)/

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