5-Not You Again

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"There's a whole lot of something in you, darling. You may feel like an empty shell, but trust me baby there is something in you."

I twist and turn in my sleep. Grabbing on to something, anything, to pull me out of this dream. All I can see is darkness. Darkness that has enveloped my mind and control. I hear whispering that starts soft and gets louder each second. Soon my ears are screaming with release and a flash of white appears before I am finally pulled from my dream.
I wake up with the thought of never going to sleep again. I sit at my desk with my pen in my mouth thinking about my encounter with Casper. Casper? I mean Will.
I walk outside and head to Finn's house expecting him to be home. Before I reach his house I see Finn get out of the car with my old friend, Hailey. I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know they were friends, and just the thought of them together had my gut twisting. The last thought of Hailey wasn't a good one, she put those thoughts to my head and pulled the trigger. I know I needed to let those thoughts go if I wanted to move on, and by move on I mean go up, where ever up was. I'm not a bad person I swear, but she.. she made me who I turned out to be. 

I sneak over to the side of the house to look through the window. Standing on my tippy toes I peak through the window and see Finn shouting at Hailey, I stood there wondering if Hailey could see me if I went into the house. Risking it I walked through the door and to the living room. Sitting down I saw Finn glance towards me, eyes wide. Hailey looked over to where he was looking and stared back at Finn with a confused look on her face. 

"It's nothing, Hailey, but why couldn't you have came to me sooner? Huh? She was my girlfriend!" I hear Finn shout to Hailey.

"I didn't want to get in trouble, Finny.. What happened that night, it was bad." She says back.

"Don't call me that. Get out of my house, I never want to see you again." He says standing up and grabbing her arm.

After Hailey left, I finally spoke. "Finn, what was that about? What did she say about that night?"

"She said that she told you to drive, that she told you that you were okay." He said looking at me sadly.

"I.. I drove? I drove... I was drinking, Finn! It was me.. I killed her." 

"No. Stop that, Oh. It wasn't all you."

I leaned over to give him a hug and as soon as my arms wrapped around him he had this pained expression on his face.

Why.. Why is this happening?


That's all for today, folks.




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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