True loves kiss

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"Why can't her mum just be there, oh I can go to the castle and then her mum will be there and she's part of the family" Oliver said to himself.

"Why can't you break the spell already I'm not young any more" said Malia.

"I can't even if I wonted to" explained the evil queen.

"Why can't you and you never told me your real name. Did you make an evil dragon that's coming for Oliver" asked Malia?

"I haven't done that since you were six and I killed it anyway. My real name is Alison and the curse can only be broken by true loves kiss. Why am I even saying this stuff to you"explained Alison.

"I may know who made the monster I think it's my sister coming back for you" explained Alison.

"What why don't you stop it" shouted Malia.

"I can't because I'm not as strong as I used to be" explained Alison.

"I can feel something breaking in and it's the monster" shouted Alison.

"What's it doing to your guards" asked Malia.

"It's turning theme into stone" shouted Alison.

"We need to fight together and I'm not talking no for an answer" shouted Malia.

"Fine then but hurry" shouted Alison.

So they fought together mother beside daughter saving each other. But Malia got put to stone and Alison well she had loved her daughter so she cried.

"No Malia don't be stone be my little girl again and we can be family again" cried Alison.

"I wish I could take all those bad moments back and make theme happy ones I just wish" cried Alison.

Alison cried beside her and kissed her on the forehead and then...

"Mother" whispered Malia.

"Oh my little girl I love you so much" cried Alison.

"I love you to" cried Malia.

So her spell was broken.

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