chapter 2

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Laying down on top of a large building roof I sighed reaching my hand out towards the white clouds that flew by . How peacefully would that be ... I haven't flown in such a long time..

"What are you doing ?" Akemi asked popping out of her egg flying over to me as she floated above me with a curious look on her face.

"Thinking, I wonder ... what the master is up to now ?" I wondered gazing up at the clouds above as they slowly flew past by .

"Hmmm..." Akemi traced off before her head snapped up gazing around with a sharp eye.

"Megu, Easter their near by . " Akemi alerted me . Frowning I stood up from my seat gazing around down at the people below .

"Tch ." I glared as I spotted two Easter worker men dressing in dark suits and dark sunglass as if that didn't make them stand out .

"Akemi, get back inside your egg ." I told her ,not risking them getting their filthy hands on any of them .

"Hai ." Akemi told me before closing her eyes getting inside her egg.

"Sara ." I called her out . With a pop she appeared in front of me with a smirk on her face .

"Character change ." I said before my eyes turned blue , my blue hair turning to a blonde color before I held a whip on my hand and hand fingerless gloves on . Reaching into my pocket I took out my mask putting it on, smirking I turned to the end of the roof griping on the handle of the whip .

"You ready , Sara ?" I asked her

"As I'll ever be ." Sara said to me I could feel the smirk in her tone transferring to my face . Running towards the end of the roof I took a deep breath before jumping off the roof . Using the whip I threw it forward wrapping it around a tree branch before using it to swing myself from place to place .

"There she is !" I heard one of the Easter workers yelled out . Smirking  I winked at them blowing them a kiss .

"Ado !" I yelled at them with a giggle .

"Be careful there's someone near by spying on you . " Sara told me , narrowing my eyes I gazed though the corner of my eyes . Frowning when I spotted a figure close behind catching up .

"Shall we play a game ?" I asked Sara who chuckled in my head . Changing directions I speeded up more only frowning a bit when he seemed to be able to still be able to catch up . That's it . I thought before I dashed into an alley hiding in the shadows before the figure that had been following came into view .

"Who are you ? And why are you following me ?" I questioned the guy who smirked walking a bit closer for me to see him appearance . Growing still I parted my lips in surprise before frowning . He stood tall with a lean body, his dark blue hair standing out as blue eyes filled with mischief . His blue tail swayed from side to side behind his and his cat ears standing straight on the top of his head .

"I didn't ever think I'd see someone like you working for Easter , ne Neko-kun ." I glared walking out of the shadows .

"Piper , your quite the catch every one in Easter is trying to capture you ." He smirked at me taking a step forward mirroring his actions I gripping my whip getting ready to aim at him if he got closer .

"Oh yeah ? And you ?" I asked him my voice full of hate . Why would be work with the very place that kills off children's dreams ?it's disgusting .

"Me? I have my own interests . " He took another step forward aiming the whip at him , he dogged before griping on to my whip holding it in his fist with an annoying smirk .

"What are those ?" I asked him trying to pull away from him . Smirking he yanked on it forcing me to collide with him . Before I knew it he had one arm wrapped around my waist while the other grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him .

"I love the blue eyes, but I like your real gold eyes better . And your hair too ." My eyes widen at his words realizing he knew what I looked like already .

"How do you-"

"You interest me and I can't wait to see... " he traced off leaning his lips next to my ear .

"What you and I can do together ." He whispered in my ear before biting down on my ear hard . Wincing I tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip . With a hard shove I pushed him away stumping back holding my hand up to my ear.  It felt numb and hurt . My eyes widen as I felt a small weight added to my ear . Touching I felt a small cold mental object hanging off my right ear . A earing .


Gazing up at him he smirked as he held out the other match to the pair, a sliver cross that danged off a bit from a small short chain. In the middle a small blue diamond was embeded .

"A small present . You'd better wear it ." He smirked at me before he leaned forward kissing my ear before he jumped up on to the roof gazing down at me still stunned by what he had done . With one last grin he disappeared not a trace left other than the earing he had forced in .

What just happened ?

With a sigh I collapsed on my knees on the ground breaking my character change with, Sara .

"That was ...interesting ." She said breaking the silence before slowly closing in front of me .

"Ne are you okay? " she asked me in a concerned tone .

"I'm tired. " I confessed as a wave of exhaustion hit me . I'm tired of always running from them .why do I have to keep running from .

"Oi ! Don't fall asleep here in an alley !Let's do to that one place again ." With a tired nod I character changed with her before quickly making my wave over to that one place I knew I was always safe and could finally sleep in peace . Without worrying that Easter would pop in any second .

Reaching the building I climbed in from an open window breathing heavily as I collapsed again on my knees holding my hands against the floor weakly .

"Megu !" Sara yelled out worried . I suddenly felt even more exhausted, my heart racing as I began to feel dizzy.  Why now ? Hearing the sound of footsteps coming closer I gazed up with a blurry vision at the person making its way over. 

"King ." I said tiredly , feeling a hand softly touch my cheek I closed my eyes as the person drew me in to their chest .

"Sleep, everything's find now my little chara ."


Hey guys hope you liked it and don't forget to comment what you think and vote .

See you
Alice .

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