Chapter 2

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        The light breeze blew Brittany's hair back behind her shoulders and chilled the tip of her nose as she slipped her hands into her silky-lined, leather jacket pockets. Out of one of her pockets she pulled her phone to check the time. 7:45. Too early in the morning. Brittany checked both ways down the street, to see around the bend. Usually she isn't the only one at the bus stop by now. Dean snuck up behind her and slammed both his muscular hands on her shoulders, making her yelp slightly.

        "Well well, aren't you paranoid today?" Dean smirked with his perfect blue eyes and contrasting dark hair.

        "Well well-why are you late?" Brittany returned.

        Dean rolled his eyes at her. "You must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning..."

        "Dean, I don't have the patience for you right now." She responded coldly, the visions of her dreams still haunting her.

        Brittany left Dean in silence as the bright yellow bus pulled up. It contrasted with the gloom of the wet sidewalks and gray sky. She walked up the steps, balancing herself on the railing with so many heavy books stashed away in her flowery backpack, and sat in the tenth seat back. Not too close to the front, not too far back. Brittany didn't like to push boundaries with herself.

        Thoughts consumed Brittany the entire silent ride as houses and swamps passed her by. She reached the massive, university-like school. Brittany kept her eyes down and walked as fast as she could to the side door, so no one would attempt to talk to her.

        When Brittany walked in, the band hall was as silent as always with its little early morning cliques here and there and the fading smell of must, marching season's gift. Some people were sitting near the front of the rainbow chair set, and some were in the back near their lockers or on the floor. That was when Brittany's eyes locked with Ashley's. Ashley was a good friend of Brittany and very attractive with her dark brown eyes and long, light brown-blonde hair.

        "Morning." Ashley's eyes glanced back up from her phone to Brittany one last time before finishing a message. She smiled. "That was Rose she says you told her you needed to talk to us?"

        Brittany was hesitant. "Yes...well I mean no. It's not really important, only if you both have time."

        "Alright" Ashley went to sit down in the front center of the U-shaped set, but Brittany gently pulled her by her arm to their usual practice room.

        The room, a large closet, had shelves covering one wall and all kinds of junk littering them, a porcelain doll with yellow hair, an old Pokemon trainer's game with pieces missing, metal trashcans, and a tall orange cooler; boxes of silks and other supplies from the guard closet across the hall had started making their way into the room. Ashley sat down on one of the upside down trashcans and Brittany sat down on the cooler.

        "I told Rose to meet us here already." Brittany closed the door until she heard the click of the sound muffling seal.

        Ashley was just about to speak when a blushing Rose burst in. Rose was a tall. medium blonde girl with light blue eyes and a quiet personality, around people other than her friends.

        "Guys I spilled half of this on me when I was on the bus. Does it look alright?" Rose asked as Ashley stole the cup out of her hand and took a swig.

        "Rose why did you bring grape again? I told you I don't like it!" Rose snatched her drink back and looked to Brittany.

        "Okay I'm glad you're both here, but I called you here for a reas-"

        "Good morning beautiful!" Steven announced as he wrapped his arm around Rose's waist."If you don't mind I think we'll be going...." Rose and Steven left without a second glance. Brittany sighed and sat down frustrated with the last few minutes. Rose was Brittany's best friend, but Brittany didn't always approve of her decisions. Steven was one of them. Ashley looked back up at her friend with apologetic eyes.

        "I'm sorry....but what did you want to talk to me about?" Ashley questioned as the bell rang.

        "Nevermind, it doesn't matter right now. I'll tell both of you later." Brittany grabbed her Backpack and she and Ashley made their way out into the wide hallways of their massive high school.

        "Alright..." Ashley returned in defeat. She knew there was no way her friend would tell her something that seemed so important unless it was on her own terms.

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