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"Darling what took you so long?" my dad questioned wrapping an arm around me as we walked further into the club, I looked up at him with a smirk, he was going to love this.

"oh I was just winding up bird brain" I chuckled, he looked down at me with a smirk, I could also see proudness in his eyes. He wasn't a huge fan of penguin so it was fine by him if I wanted to annoy him from time to time.

We sat down at our regular table, it's not been the same since Harleys been gone, that stupid bat took her to Belle Reve, dads working on a plan to get her out, he always succeeds.

"so...you seem to really like this magic trick stuff..." he trailed off with a slightly smile, I quirked a brow at him, why was he asking this?

"uhm yeah.... why are you bringing this up? I thought you hated that I go up to upper Gotham to perform?" I questioned confusedly, dad hates when I bring this stuff up, yet he was bringing it up?

"that's precisely my point dear, I uh was thinking about this for a while and well...how about you perform your tricks here at the club?" he offered, a large smile formed on my face as I threw myself into his lap hugging him tightly.

"yes! Oh my god dad, I'd love to!" he laughed loudly wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I knew you would" he smiled before frowning slightly as a dark skinned man walked towards the table.

"sir, your needed immediately" he stated with an urgent look on his face, I knew it was about his business, I never involved myself in it in all honesty, I was still only 17.

"alright...I gotta go princess, do you want someone to drop you off at home?" he asked as I got off his lap as we both stood up, I smiled slightly at him shaking my head.

"nah I'm good, the nights still young, I'm gonna walk home" he gave me an unsure look but nodded nonetheless, pulling me into a tight hug he muttered.

"alright stay safe I love you" he kissed my cheek lightly pulling out the hug. I smiled lovingly back at him.

"love you too dad" I yelled over the loud music as he and the man left the club. I looked out at the sweaty bodies on the dance floor, dancing rhythmically to the tune of the music. I rolled my eyes slightly, I only came here to hang with Dad and Harley, clubs were definitely not my scene.

Walking out of the club into the streets of Gotham I realised how cold it was, pulling my jacket closer to my body I started to walk along the almost abandoned street. The truth was my dad was almost always busy with his 'work' we don't spend nearly as much time together as we used to. That's why I started going upper Gotham, a way of acting out, I was a teenager after all. A swooshing noise brought me out of my thoughts as I spun on my heel with widened eyes.

The dark outline of the familiar bat stood meters in front of me. His gruff voice finally spoke.

"you don't have to go down this path Teyana" I growled at the use of my real name, I hated it, I smiled mischievously.

"well uh Mr bat I sorta do, you know it's the only path towards my house" I smirked as he grunted in annoyance, what? I was the joker's daughter...what else did he expect?

"you're going to end up in prison kid" I snarled at him, one thing I hated? When I get called 'kid' it was unbelievably annoying. I rose my hands, sparks flying out of them.

"I'm not a kid!" I yelled at him as I shot a ball of electricity at him, which to my annoyance he dodged. He tackled me from the waist and onto the ground. I wriggled around as he clasped handcuffs on my wrists. I yelled profanities at him as I heard the police sirens blare.

"sorry kid" the gruff voice spoke again, I glared menacingly at him as a police officer roughly shoved me into a swat van.

"no you're not"


The Maniacs Daughter // Suicide SquadWhere stories live. Discover now