Dean x Reader: Wisdom Teeth

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Warnings: The Reader is in pain throughout this.

You were a hunter and you were used to any kind of pain you could imagine. You fought so many different creatures, had almost died hundreds of times. Getting your wisdom teeth taken out shouldn't have been that bad.

But it was.

As soon as you have gotten home (you had asked Charlie to drive you home), you locked yourself in your room with the instructions the dentist gave you.

The rest of that day was spent slowly regaining feeling in your lips and cheeks and struggling to swallow pills when you couldn't feel if you had swallowed them or not.

The next day was much worse. Your face was quite swollen and it hurt like crazy. You took a pain pill before drinking a smoothie (slowly and without a straw of course), then after the smoothie you took ibuprofen. For a while you felt ok before sleep pulled you back into its embrace. You drifted in a world of sleep where you could hear what was said around you but you weren't awake. Several times you woke up feeling nauseous and throughout the course of the day, you'd throw up three times. Apparently the cure to that was to eat something.

It wasn't until the third time you threw up that Dean got nervous. He hadn't seen you in two days and he knew that you were probably in pain. He waited outside your door for awhile and when he heard you throw up, he tried to open the door, only to find that it was locked.

"Y/N! Are you ok?" Dean called.

With a groan you yelled back "go away, I'm fine!"

Dean would have done as you asked had he not heard you whimpering slightly as you wiped your mouth.

Not finding the key above the door Dean decided that desperate times call for desperate measures.

The door opened after Dean kicked it in.

You couldn't even find the energy to glare at him and instead focused on brushing your hair out of your face to make yourself look presentable.

Dean walked over and sat on the bed next to you.

Gently wrapping an arm around you he said "Are you ok?"

Those were the only words that were needed before you couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

For awhile he just held you while you cried and just his presence there was comforting.

When you stopped crying he asked, "Why were you crying?"

With a sigh you replied "I look like a chipmunk, the swelling is making my ear hurt and I'm really hungry but I can't eat anything."

Dean laughed lightly before saying "You make a cute chipmunk! And you are beautiful. Think about it this way, the swelling isn't as bad as it could be. I made the chubby bunny challenge look easy. My face looked horrible!" Dramatically he pressed his hand to his face "Even someone this good could look bad!"

You laughed before wincing and you slapped him upside the arm. "Don't make me laugh, it hurts!"

He went from laughing to concerned in a nanosecond.

Holding you closer he said "Why don't I go get ice cream to make it up to you?"

"Ok sure", you responded. "But first, let's just stay like this for awhile".

Dean laughed again and he smiled as you soon started to snore. He texted Sam to see if he would go get ice cream from the store. When Sam asked why, Dean took a picture of you snoring in his lap and Sam agreed to go get the ice cream so you two could relax a little while longer.

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