Chapter 8

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I glanced sideways at Ryan and stifled my laughter. He still had the stupid grin on his face. I looked forward and concentrated on eating my lunch. One of his friends nudged him in the ribs and stage whispered to him, “What are you smiling about? Did you get lucky or something?” he asked, winking at me and waggling his eyebrows.

Ryan just laughed, shaking it off. “No, I got this beautiful girl all to myself,” he told him, grinning from ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes; he could be so silly sometimes. He wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him. I sighed, shrugging and snuggling into his side. He gave a low growl of content, only for me to hear, and I grinned. Then, of course, the cheerleaders just had to come up and surround our table, ruining the moment. The “head” cheerleader (the one with bleach blonde hair, cake of makeup for a face, fake boobs and nose, wearing high heels, too short skirt and tight top) looked at me and Ryan and sneered, obviously jealous. “You should stay away from Ryan, whore.” She tried to look threatening.

Everyone went silent as they waited my response. I sighed, closing my eyes briefly before looking up at her in fake pity. “Sweetie, you shouldn’t think aloud, it lowers the IQ of the entire school. (A/N SHERLOCK! “Anderson, don’t think aloud, you lower the IQ of the entire street.” :D) ” I said sweetly.

She glared at me. “If I had a face like yours, I wouldn’t show it off in public,” she sneered.

“Do you even have a face? Or is that just makeup?”

Her groupies gasped. I yawned and leaned my head against Ryan’s shoulder, “Ryan?” I asked sweetly, smiling up at him.

“Yes?” He murmured lovingly.

“Can you get rid of the trash for me? It’s giving me a head ache,” I complained, pouting slightly.

He grinned down at me, giving me a quick peck,” anything you want.”

Then he turned his attention to the cheerleaders. He straightened, and I watched as his face turned hard and frightening. “Get lost, before I remove you from the cafeteria by force,” he growled threateningly.

They all flinched back, some whimpered in fear and others even cried out. They scampered away and Ryan relaxed, nuzzling my neck. Everyone else at the table burst out into laughter. “Dude,” one of his friends choked, “you are so whipped!”

Ryan glared at him, before he chuckled, his stupid grin back on his face.  I laughed, and he soon joined me.


Classes were boring, as usual. Nothing seemed to be able to wipe the grin off of Ryan’s face though, so that was pretty amusing. A few teachers told him off for smiling, before both me and Ryan ganged up on them. It wasn’t his fault! It was like telling off someone for breathing! It was just stupid. I leaned against the tree, moonlight shining in through the leaves. A heard a snuffle and immediately held my breath, hoping he won’t find me. Oh yeah, did I mention that I was playing hide and seek with Fluffy? Not my best idea ever, considering he was stealthy and he could sniff me out by my scent. Trying to find him was hard… Fluffy tackle me to the ground, howling victoriously. I laughed, and he licked my cheek. “Gross! Wolf cooties!” I squealed, wriggling under him and pushing lightly on his chest.

He gave a deep bark and nudged my neck. “Alright, alright! My turn to find you! Now go hide!” I laughed, scratching behind his ear.

He hopped off me and pranced away, tail held high. I closed my eyes and counted in my head to 60. When I finished, I stood, dusting off my ass, and walked in the direction that he had gone in. I followed the light footprints in the ground. A soft rustle came from my left and I grinned. “Fluffy?” I called.

The rustling stopped and I frowned. I took a step closer, then another. When I was directly in front of it, a wolf burst from the bush, snarling and tackling me to the ground. I screamed, this wolf was brown and had ice blue eyes. Saliva dangled from its jaws and it had a feral look in its eyes. “RYAN!!!! HELP!!!” I screamed in my head desperately.

I heard his deep snarl, before the brown wolf was tackled off of me. I watched Ryan’s face twist as he took in the other wolf, something like confusion and bitterness. I frowned, something was bothering me about the brown wolf. I scanned its body carefully as they circled one another. I noticed that the brown wolf was protecting its back left leg. Fluffy, I called to him in my head. Pin the other wolf down but make sure that its left side is facing up.

He looked at me, scanning my eyes and gave a small nod. He fainted to the left, before quickly spinning and tackling the other wolf’s right side. I grinned and walked over to them. The brown wolf struggled, snapping its teeth and snarling as I got closer. I gripped its leg, it howled. Just as I thought; it had somehow dislocated its leg. I tightened my grip and put my other hand on its hip. Be ready. I told Fluffy mentally.

I shoved the wolf’s leg into place and it howled in pain, before going limp. A minute later, it whined softly and Fluffy warily got off of it. Fluffy crouched in front of me and I stood, shaking the dirt from my pants. “I expect a “thank you”.” I told the wolf, raising one eyebrow.

It was obvious from the way Fluffy reacted to the wolf that he knew it. And if Fluffy knew it, it must be a werewolf as well. He sat up, shaking its fur. Fluffy gave a bark-like chuckle. The wolf turned changed into its human form. Definitely a girl. I covered Fluffy’s eyes with my hands, he growled softly, not liking not being able to see. I am NOT letting you see a naked girl! I growled in my head at him.

‘It’s alright, you can turn around. I’ve got his eyes covered.’ I told her softly.

She turned around. She had soft brown hair cut short and it framed her face. She was smaller than me by at least a head, and had ice blue eyes. I covered Fluffy’s ears gently. “How do you know Ryan?” I asked.

Her eyes glinted. “I was his girlfriend. You didn’t need to cover his eyes; he’s already seen me naked. Just like I’ve seen him naked. We got pretty far together, nearly had sex a couple of times. You little bitch, you probably seduced him for his body, didn’t you! Just wait until I tell Ryan! He will kick you outta his life faster than you can blink, and then he will come back to me!” She told me, sticking her nose in the air.

A cloud of red descended on my vision. I was jealous, insanely jealous, and pissed. He had seen her naked, and she had seen him naked. That didn’t sit too well with me. I accidentally pinched his ear, before I let go of him and took off running. I needed to get away, far away before I did something I would regret. I heard Fluffy’s fast-fading bark of surprise, before it was gone. I crashed through the bush, barely noticing the sting of cuts I received from the branches and bushes. I ran home, where I could be alone for a while and think. I didn’t like how I was so jealous of this girl. I fumbled with the door knob before opening it and closing the door behind me, leaving it the tiniest bit open so Ryan could get in too. I ran up the stairs and flung myself onto Ryan’s bed, inhaling his scent. It calmed me slightly. I sighed, snuggling into his pillow and under the covers. I heard the front door slam against the wall as Ryan forced his way in, obviously in a hurry. I heard his feet up the stairs, then sniff loudly before entering his room. I heard the door shut softly and the bed dip next to me. “Rose, I am so, so sorry. I don’t know what she said but-“ He started anxiously.

I cut him off. “I’m not angry at you.” I told him, rolling over, sitting up and kissing him lightly.

He sighed in relief and lay down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and brought me to his chest, sighing happily. “I love you.” he murmured into my hair.

“I love you too.” I replied honestly, feeling comforted by his presence.

Sorry it took so long, major writers block -.-; NOW, onto my other stories~

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