Take Flight

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It's been so long... What if I do it wrong?

Princess Luna was pacing back and forth in her room as she thought about the Wings Around Equestria Rally. It had been over a 1000 years since she had actually been around for the opening announcements of the race. She was nervous over the possibility of making a mistake in front of everyone.

Knock knock knock.

"Come in." Luna said.

Her sister Celestia entered the room.

"Luna, it's almost time for the opening announcements of the race, are you ready?" she asked.

Luna glanced at the ground. "I don't know sister... I've already messed up once on another occasion with a different celebration... what if I mess up here?"

Celestia gave a gentle smile as she brought a wing around her sister. "Luna... You'll do fine. Even after being gone for a 1000 years... I know for sure this is something you can't mess up on."

"You sure...?"

Celestia nodded. "I'll still do the first part if you wish, if that'll make you feel better."

"I-I'd like that... No one will be scared of me?"

"Luna, that has long passed and... the Tech Ponies have missed you very much... The minute you step up, they'll be cheering your name, I promise."

Luna smiled. "Celestia..."

"I love you dear sister..."

"Love you too..."

Celestia nuzzled her sister before backing up a little, making her way for the door.

"Let's go, your audience awaits."

Luna followed after her, giggling a little.

"I have to ask... is Twillight nervous at all?"

Celestia nodded, chuckling a little. "She's always nervous over new things but... okay, in comparison to you she makes you look calm."

Luna laughed. "Oh goodness."

"Yeah, she may have grown up... but she still has a lot to learn."

Luna nodded. "It's true... but I think we all get nervous at some point."

"Indeed... I bet the racers have their share too... I suspect one in particular is probably very nervous."

Luna thought over all the racers that had been listened before it clicked.

"The Earth Pony?"

Celestia nodded. "It'll be the first time ever that an Artificial Pegasus has been part of the race... it will be interesting to say the least."

"Well if he's gotten this far I'm sure he'll do good in the race."

"We'll see... for now, let's focus on getting the race started."

Luna nodded.

The walk the rest of the way up to the starting area was silent. But Luna couldn't stop thinking about the Earth Pony that was competing.

An Earth Pony... Never thought I would see the day that would happen... But then again... life is just full of surprises... may he make the Tech Ponies proud.


Dusty could hear the crowds cheering loudly outside tunnel he and the other racers were coming out of. It was overwhelming to say the least. Not to mention with all the pictures being taken by news ponies with their cameras. But least he didn't feel completely nervous.

As he began to make his way into the sunlight he could hear Princess Celestia speaking.

"We have many racers come here from all parts of Equestria, many who have trained hard to make their way here, stepping onto this runway is a step into history."

Dusty squinted his eyes a little as the sunlight hit him. After they adjusted, they went wide as he saw all the ponies cheering wildly over the racers and over the Princess' speech.

"Holy smokes..." he whispered, feeling all nervousness melt away as he looked around.

He looked up the area where the Princess' were seated. He saw Princess Luna step forward, joining her sister.

Wow... The Royal Sisters...

Luna cleared her throat as she beheld the crowd, looking over all the ponies, her eyes landing on Dusty.

"And for the first time in history, we have an Earth Pony in the race this year."

The crowds all looked to Dusty in amazement as they noted his wings. For once it wasn't questioning looks or disgusted ones... it felt nice to have something like this for once.

Dusty smiled a little sheepishly as he gave a little wave to the crowds.

Luna smiled as well as she watched him, before continuing on with her speech to the crowd.

"Feeling good amigo?" El Chupacabra asked Dusty.

Dusty nodded. "Yeah... man, look at the size of this crowd."

"Indeed amigo... but, don't let anything distract you-"

Dusty looked to El Chupacabra in confusion wondering he had trailed off on his sentence. He noticed he was looking at something with his jaw dropped. Dusty followed his gaze to see El Chupacabra was eyeing a pale pink Pegasus with a brown mane. She had the general hoof guards and a bandanna tied around her neck.

I know that pony...

"Who is that vision...?" El Chupacabra asked.

"That's Rochelle, the Vanhoover Rally Champ." Dusty said with pride in remembering who she was.
El Chupacabra sighed wistfully. "She's like an angel, sent from heaven, like a sunrise after a long time of darkness."

"Or... like fresh fertilizer on... dying grass!" Dusty added, giving his best grin.

El Chupacabra gave him an odd look.

"This is not your thing my friend."

The two stallions looked up as a horn was blown by one of the royal guards. They saw Princess Twilight and Cadence step forward, standing beside the royal sisters.

"All racers in starting positions!" Twilight announced.

The racers did as told, readying for take off the.

The four Princesses brought their horns together casting a spell over the racers. They knew very well what it was. The spell was designed to prevent any of the racers from using flight magic during the race but would still enable them to walk on clouds when the time called on it. The race was founded for the Tech Ponies since they lacked this magic, they didn't want any disadvantages happenings.

Dusty closed his eyes, letting the sensation the spell gave wash over him. It didn't bother him too much since he didn't have any magic to begin with, but he could feel the other part kicking in.

When he reopened his eyes he saw the guard pony coming forward with the flag to start the race. The moment was finally here.

Dusty narrowed his eyes, focusing on the flag. Everything slowed down as the flag was raised.

I can do this... He thought. I made it this far... nothing can stop me now.

The flag was dropped and the racers took the skies as alarming speeds. Dusty was the last one off the runway but did not join the others in the higher part of the sky. He instead stuck to the lower part. He felt himself tossed in the air a little but kept his balance. He had been expecting these gusts of wind.

The twirlies Skip mentioned. Dusty thought as he regained his balance fully before following after the other Pegasi.

He could already see the oncoming obstacles that had been created by the ponies of Cloudsdale. Plenty of storm clouds letting out major gusts of wind, snow and rain.

It was a dead sprint from Canterlot to Cloudsdale through this weather.

Dusty shivered as he made his way through the snow mixed with the rain. This was something he wasn't prepared for but kept on moving forward through the storm.

Almost there... come on...

He was relieved when he finally saw Cloudsdale in view. He felt a little uneasy as he started to make a landing on the cloud floor. It wasn't something he had done much. He felt relaxed once he was firmly planted on the clouds.

His wings had icicles hanging off them and he was soaked to the bone. He shakily made his way over to the resting area making a sprint for the closest fire pit.

Oh sweet warmth!

Dusty spread his wings out so he could get the heat to melt the ice off. He heard snickering and saw Ripslinger along with Ned and Zed laughing at him.

"You do know this is a race right?" Ripslinger asked, smirking.

Dusty shook his head, ignoring them, keeping his mind focused on the heat. He heard another noise. He looked to see El Chupacabra getting a tail swished at him by none other than Rochelle who didn't seem happy at the moment. El Chupacabra look dumbstruck as he watched the mare trot away.

I'm... probably better off not knowing. Dusty thoughy, turning his attention away.

He looked at his wings to see the ice was finally starting to melt... but then he started to worry about the inner workings of the wings.

I need to get them checked.

"Excuse me, Dusty Crophopper?"

Dusty turned to his left and immediately stumbled back when he saw who was next to him.

"P-Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

He quickly got down on one hoof giving a bow. "Your majesty."

Twilight giggled. "Please, just Twilight Sparkle will do."

Dusty gave a sheepish look as he stood up. "I-Is there something you need Prin- I mean Twilight?" Gah I'm not used to being around royalty, I'm all tongue tied.

"I'm just checking on you, one of my duties in the race is to be sure all the racers are okay, a spotter as it were, do you need your wings checked?"

Dusty nodded. "Yeah, I'm worried some of the wiring might've gotten damaged on the flight over."

"Then it can be done, we have some Tech Ponies who can check them for you, I'll take them for you if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

Twilight smiled as she undid the harness levitating the wings with a spell. "I'll bring them back to you once they're ready."

"Thank you, Twilight."

Twilight nodded before starting to trot off. She stopped midway looking back to him.

"I almost forgot, some pony has been trying to radio call you.. um... Dottie I think was her name."

Dusty's eyes lit up at the name. "That's my mechanic from home."

Twilight smiled. "Then best you call her back, the radios are over there by the window."

Dusty got up heading towards the area. "Thanks!"

Twilight smiled as she watched the stallion go.

Such great spirit in him... Rainbow would like him a lot.

Pegasi by Aileen RoseWhere stories live. Discover now