Chapter 6: The start of an "Adventure"....

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Ray's POV:

Ryan knows regular things now. He calls me Ray and can name objects. I'm pretty fucking proud of myself! I'm an AWESOME teacher! He also shows me A LOT of affection. Like right now. He's hugging me from behind and nuzzling my neck. I looked back at him and smiled but soon frowned. He was still in that horrible garb from when I found him.

"You need new clothes... But ugh! I have to go to class! Can you go to the store and buy Underwear? I can always give you some of my clothes." He nodded.

"Underwear! Underwear for Ray!" He said in choppy sentences. Believe it or not, this is A LOT better than before. I smiled and laughed lightly.

"Yes, Ryan! Underwear!" I handed him roughly twenty dollars. "And you use MONEY to buy the Underwear!" Ryan smiled widely and nodded.

"Money for Underwear!" I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Good job, Ryan! You're really smart!" He smiled and blushed lightly. "I've gotta go now, ok? Look for the underwear store!" I quickly ran out in order to be on time. I quickly ran down sharp turns with Gavin and Michael following me. All I could think about once we got there was Ryan.

I hope he'll be ok.

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