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Ok guys I'm sooo sorry I haven't been updating any of my books! I've been super busy recently. I've been planing to do some things but I need to know what you would rather see happen first. So I'm thinking of kinda doing a poll sort of thing. I'll give you guys a list of options as you guys vote in the comments for what you want to see happen first

1. Update this story and of my other popular ones.

2. Just update every book I have

3. Come up with a update schedule and try to stick to it

Alright guys let me know in the comments and which ever wins will be my first priority

In other news I have a new story in the works (I know I know I haven't updated my old ones in forever but bear with me) this one is a yandere! Reader one for those who would be interested. Some aspects such as they way the reader will act and how some characters act were inspired by the game yandere simulator where others are based on personal experience. The first chapter is almost done I just need a few things such as renaming a rival renaming the "info chan" and a few other character names before I can publish it but it'll be here soon!

Thank you guys
Until next time my little demons

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