Chapter One [ Run. ]

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[ 3RD POV ]

Aleks ran through the forest. He kept his ears low, his head ducked down. This was bad. This was really bad. The worst thing that he could've ever done in his lifetime. He crossed the line, he was in their territory now. So screwed, he was so fucking screwed and no one could deny that. 

His heart beat faster as he heard the sound of leaves crunching. Harsh and heavy footsteps sounded right next to him. Oh shit, fuck, crap, no, no no. He dared a glance to his side. Rabbit ears. He saw... Rabbit ears? What? Why- Oh.

"Aleks! Keep running, I'll meet you on the other side!" His ally whispered before going past Aleks, sprinting to the boarder. Jake? Was that Jake? What the hell was he doing here?! Did he hear about the challenge- No, it doesn't matter anymore. Aleks took his words and sped up his pace, his feet smacking hard against the ground. 

Then time seemed to freeze. Like it was only a movie. Like the film was then played out to continue on in slow motion. He could see the fence from where he stood. Yet, he knew that he'd have no chance to getting to it. Arms devolped around his waist, his body was shoved to the ground and to the side. 

What scared him the most, what signaled to him that this was his end... Was a growl. A low, feral growl that made it's way into his ear and embedded it's sound into his brain. He'd never forget it. His sensitive ears twitched, his body rammed into a tree. 

He groaned in pain, his back ached and he felt as though his whole head was dipped in flames. Rough and calloused hands wrapped around his wrists and held them high above his head, pinning them to a tree. 

"What're you doing here?" Came a hiss, then there was the feel of another body pressing up against him. His eyes were closed since the impact, now he was too afraid to open them. Too afraid to see what was in front of him. 

He convinced himself to stop being a wuss, and he opened his eyes slowly. His vision focused and the first thing that his eyes landed on... Was a Fox. He had been caught. 

"I did this challenge, I didn't know that the fence led into your territory, okay?! I- I was left behind and now I'm here, and I'm sorry! God fucking dammit!" He spewed out words that sounded right in his head, only to realize that he should've said other things. Everything else would've been fine. 

The fox that held him only clicked his tongue softly. His orange tail swayed back and forth behind him, but it soon curled up to his front and smacked Aleks' chest. "I caught you." The fox said, clearly stating the obvious. "You do know the rules right?" He only smirked in triumph and pushed his body off of Aleks. "My name is Edwin, but you'll call me Eddie, kay? According to the rules..." 

The fox paused, his lips curled up into a grin and he stared straight into Aleks' eyes. "You're mine now, huh?" 

Those words. No. No, just that one fucking word. Aleks was meant to be no one's. He promised himself to always be his own man, to always give himself the freedom to be reckless. Look where that got him. Look where he is now. Aleks only gulped in fear and shut his eyes. "Yes. I'm under your command now. According to the rules... That state... That if a Rabbit is caught by a fox... The fox may do as they please with the Rabbit..." He bit his tongue after finishing, trying to forget everything he had just said and claimed. 

"Great!" Eddie giggled and pulled Aleks to his feet. He forced the Rabbit around and pushed him forward. "Go. I'll take you to my home. Which... Is now your home!" Of course. Of course Eddie sounded excited, please, happy. Aleks didn't even comment. He just did as he was told and followed the path that led to the fox's civilization. 


As they made it into town, Aleks was thrown over Eddie's shoulder without warning. He yelped in surprise and fear, soon he began to kick his legs out. 

"Stop it! You're under my command, so stop squirming, dammit! I'm not a fox to really hurt others so stop worrying!" Eddie barked at him, holding down Aleks' hands against his own chest. 

Aleks nodded and stopped his kicking, wondering how long until they reached Eddie's home.

In about ten minutes they had arrived at a medium sized home. It looked normal, seemed like an everyday house that Aleks would always pass by. But Aleks remembered that this was in the fox territory. Not normal for a rabbit at all. Eddie opened the door, stepped in, kicked the door close and threw Aleks down onto the nearest couch. 

The fox stretched out his arms and rolled his head to the side to pop his neck. He huffs out a tired breath and falls on top of Aleks, using the other as a pillow. 

"Hm, tell me about yourself." Eddie whispers, his eyes drooping down in exhaustion, his arms wrapping around Aleks. Aleks squirmed in Eddie's hold but soon sighed and finally gave in. 

"My name is Aleks. With a KS. I'm... 20 years old. I play video games, the bass, and I cook bad food when I'm bored." 

"Nice... Maybe you can cook something for me later." 

What seemed to have baffled Aleks the most was how Eddie seemed to be treating him. More of a partner than a captive. Then again, he wasn't really complaining. He'd rather have this than being forced to do shit he'd hate. Eddie opened his mouth to say something. 

Only for there to be a knock on the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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